Crystal lightly smirked at Coffee's words, but kept looking forward "Sounds good to me, if you want to change that mare forever? You should! Especially if she thinks she's better than you." The brown Manchado mare said in a snarky tone as she nipped back at Coffee's withers, she overheard the votes are smiled vigorisely "I vote Coffee and Loki!" She stated proudly glaring at Romeo, Amira and Bullet. ~~~~ Valiant The black manchado stud stood a few meters away from the mares and watched the 2 carefully making sure no one went near them. After Crystal voted Valiant grinned and pawed the ground "Well i vote me and Crystal... King Valiant and Lady Crystal!" He spoke confidently. ~~~~ Crystal Crystal looked at Valiant as he spoke, she huffed and rolled her eyes "You can't vote for yourself idiot! Besides your vote is irrelevant, Amira and Bullet have been chosen. Plus, even if it were us, it'd be Queen Crystal and Servant Valiant" She said all as matter of facts before blowing out and separating from the group

"Wow.Ok.She must really hate you.She really said servant.That's funny." Loki mumbled before walking off.

______ Amira Amira smiled at Bullet "Glad to see you on your hooves" She said softly eyeing the stallion, she looked at the pretty gold mare "Hello, Faith. I'm Amira, it's lovely to meet you" She said with a small smirk, she looked at Bullet "Well of course she can join!" She agreed with everyone, something about Amira seemed... Different, in a way. ______ Amethyst The black mare continued to observe the herd, she hated the way that mare (Crystal) spoke to that stallion (Valiant), but all she could do for now was snort and keep watching. Her purple mane gently blowing in the soft breeze, she watched as a beautiful dapple grey mare walked back into the herd, Amethyst knew why the mare was upset and knew she liked the stallion who's name assossiated with the devil (Loki), feeling sorry for the mare and picking up the sence that Angel was more the silent type Amethyst knew she had to tread lightly, she quietly approached the dapple grey mare and outstretched her neck, sniffing a little before releasing a quiet nicker letting Angel know she was there "Hello there, i'm Amethyst." She said swiftly and quietly, she glanced at Coffee then Loki then turned her attention back to the mare "Are you alright? I've been observing you and this group for a while now and..." Amethyst paused for a moment, she looked at Loki, then at thin air thinking before finally speaking "If YOU want him, then you need to fight for him- fight harder! And no i don't mean physically, bud in and spend time with Loki! Because- Look.. No offense maam but a stallion doesn't want a mare who hides herself or her feelings. Now I can tell you are built like a warrior, you have a shield that keeps others out.. Am i wrong?" Amethyst spoke half trying to empower her and sound blank Edited at October 1, 2024 03:31 AM by Hyrule_Stables

Angel looked at the new mare. She put her ears forward as she spoke. "How do you know so much" she asked. She listened to the mare speak. "I'm angel and I'm fine" she paused "Loki's better off with coffee anyway. She's bold and confident and I'm not even half as pretty as her. I'd do anything to protect them, all of them. But my broken old self will just cause them harm. And he looks happy with her..." angel had never really opened up to anyone and now this strange mare came and she was close to telling her everything. Her past, her struggles, her insecurities, just everything.

Amethyst realized her mistake of saying too much and immediately covered it up with a shrug "I'm very well known for my curiosity and observations" She said with a quiet sigh at Angel's words "First off, nice name, Angel suits you well. Second, i can see you're lying, i can tell you're not 'Fine' but i'm just a stranger so if you want to stick to 'I'm fine' then I won't speak further. Third?" Amethyst shook her head in disbelief before continuing "So far, over the last couple of days, i've seen random patches of confidence burst within you.. And I saw you RUN through fire, you don't burn because you're special! You're different, and that's good! In my opinion beauty isn't what's seen on the outside, but what's seen within, not that my opinion is relevant here. Besides, I think you are beautiful compared to most mares!" She said encouragingly, Amethyst then let out a small laugh "And you can't think YOU'RE ugly?! I'm just black, at least you have those dapples!" She smiled lightly

Coffee tried to frown when Crystal was rude to Valiant. Possibly a little displeased but she quickly shrugged the feeling off. When the almost pure white mare turned her head she saw Angel, looks like she's speaking to a bush... Weird but we all have our moments, so Coffee let out a loud snort and a deep nicker before facing the group again. She paused and huffed. "Hey Loki, could you be a dear and go check on Angel? I would but, uhm, we dislike each other..." She lied. When she said this very sentence she cringed and wanted to grab a mouth full of someone's mane and scream. She knows better though.

"Sure." Loki said before wondering off to go find Angel. "Hey Angel,you alright? I had'nt seen you in a while and was kinda concerned." He told her.

Coffee huffed and watched Loki walk to Angel, A tint of hatred was present in her blue eyes. She then looked away and looked to Amira before giving the mare a light nicker. "May I speak to you real quick?" Coffee said, tilting her head slightly, waiting for a answer before moving away from the group.

Angel listened to the mare. "You've been watching that long?" Angel asked. She'd seen her run through fire too "thank you but I think your gorgeous plus those purple streaks in you mane are super cool" angel said before turning to face Loki. "I um, I'm fine" angel said. She glanced back at amethyst hoping she hadn't left.

"Hah,no your not.I know when a horse is lying.Seriously,what's wrong?Is it Coffee?Is nobody like,checking in on you?" He questioned the mare. -How do you tell a mare you like her? Time to search the brain.No results.Well that's awkward.-