
As everything was cleaned up Qibli turned around to face Desiree. He could swear his cheeks turned slightly red, which almost never happened. "I'm glad you did... that was the purpose." He answered quietly, his mind flipping back and forth between two outcomes. First he glanced at the clock. It was only 5:45. "Hey uh do you want to play a card game? Or if not we could go our separate ways.." Qibli inquired a bit hesitantly.
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{Third Person/Desiree} - "She smiled and nodded her head "Yes of course we can play a card game", She said with a slight blush and wink"

Qibli nodded slightly, walking over to the shelf and grabbing a deck of cards. "Anything you prefer?" He asked tenatively, shuffling the well organized deck. Come to think of it, everything in the house was picture perfect- not because Desiree was coming, but because Qibli was a little bit of a neat freak. He hated things to be dirty, and he never lost things by misplacing them. Everything had a place and everything was in its place.
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{Third Person/Desiree} - "She smiled and looked into his eyes before she nodded her head in reply to him, "I like Uno" she told him since it was only her favorite card game, She blushed and then sat down on the couch waiting for him to come over, She smiled and blushed when he sat beside her"

(Who said he sat down beside her?! XD) +++ Qibli smiled a little, happy it was a card game he knew. "Great." He snatched the cards off the table and put them back on the shelf, grabbing the completely non-ripped, perfectly sorted Uno card game. Since there was a small table in the middle of the room, sitting on the couch to play would be easy. He did end up sitting beside Desiree, but he was too focused on shuffling the cards and dealing them to care. +++ (If you want we can skip through the card game lol)
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{Third Person/Desiree} - "She smiled and looked at him watching as he shuffled the cards before they played, She got a quick buzz on her phone but ignored it until her sister called, "One second" she told Qibli but she was ticked that her sister just ruined her night", She sighed and gently smiled "Hey sis" she said before dropping the phone and dropping to her knees, She screamed cried and and looked to Qibli before wiping her tears"

Qibli glanced up as Desiree left, but he didn't find it weird until she screamed. He jumped up, practically bounced over to her and knelt beside her. "What!? What's wrong?" He asked frantically. He was extremely concerned, especially since phone calls that ended in screams usually suggested threats or deaths. Both of which were very bad. Edited at January 17, 2024 02:56 PM by Wild West Warmbloods
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{Third Person/Desiree} - "She looked to Qibli with tears filling her eyes "My........my mother passed away", She said with a choke in her thoart and a quick sigh of pain, "I don't know what to do, i......i didn't get to say goodbye" she said and held the necklace she was wearing, She gently kissed it and cried again before standing up and wipeing the tears away"

(Yikes, that dampened the mood) +++ Qibli's eyes widened in shock. "Oh Desiree- I'm so sorry..." He mumbled, wrapping an arm around her. "If there is anything I can do to help... I'm here." He spoke quietly, his gaze downcast. His parents had died when he was only 14.. so he knew the feeling.
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(I wasn't meaning to write that, I was doing something different but when i came back to the bathroom it was like that, Also are we gonna do that rp of just you and me, I already have the forum up) - {Third Person/Desiree} - "She looked to Qibli before calming herself down "I'm alright" she told him and began walking to Phoniex"