Phantom knew his job was done so he wandered off. He didn't notice the stab wound from the broken board. He laid down in the snow and dozed off.
ghost was nuzzling the filly he looked at her im so sorry i was gone when tha happend i will neveer let it happen again
She Smiled talking a bit weird "Im Fine The humans scared my father off and picked me up and put somethi-"Her body fell onto the ground of how weak she was.
Mystery rushed down next to Cerburus "Oh no... Are you okay?* She asked, pure panic and worry wiped across her face, she nuzzled the filly's cheek "I WON'T let him near you again... You have my word!" She said softly but also seriously
"The Humans put this pink liquid into my stomach" Cerburus said trying to stand her legs shaking.
Mystery got her to lay down "No... You need to stay laying Incase you faint..." Mystery said with a nod before standing and looking around the herd "Phantom?" She yelled, Mystery knew Phantom had gone through a lot of stuff... Like humans, she hoped he'd know what the pink liquid was
Cerburus layed down eating a bit of her eyes scared for what she saw "I saw something."
Mystery looked down at Cerburus "Really? What?" She asked, laying down on her knees
"Bloody Pig Knife...,Horse Nets,And a bottle with pink liquid that said "Horse posion" Cerburus Whimpered "Will i die?" Knife: Bloody Butcher knife How Cerburus says it: Bloody Pig Knife..
Mystery listened closely as Cerburus spoke, her eyes widen as she heard what Cerburus saw "Bloody Pig Knife... Oh no.." Mystery stopped herself from talking, she thought for a moment and heard the next part "Poison...?" Mystery asked, she shook her head to concentrate "No, you won't die... You will be fine, I just need to get you some stuff to eat... Quickly" She said as calmly as she could, she got up "Wait here, don't move too much" She said hurriedly before Trotting off to find Phantom "Phantom! I need you! It's Cerburus!" Mystery called out hoping he'd hear her soon