Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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Wed 08:27am  
Stables Online:  83 
Breezy Way Ranch
07:49:17 Red
I sell upgrades and re rolls
Angels angels
07:47:10 Will Buy Brindles!!
-HEE Click-
WWW X freshman straw thread! Only 3k each!
Appy ranch
Looking for a 3 month upgrade
Port Royal Equines
07:08:44 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
EWW mares for sale. I can not prioritize them. 150k each.
Dash and Duchess
06:58:44 T1 Artist, W+ seller
Selling WWW CcrC Zz filly! She's only 2 and has a wk7 and AU wk 8!
-HEE Click-
Unwanted Ones
-HEE Click-

Last chance to breed with these beauties before they retire
06:00:38 👻 Holly
Taking offers on a EWW SH colt.
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
05:38:25 Ally 💜
Flashy EWW ISH filly! Doesnt fit my breeding program so needs to go!
-HEE Click-
Willow Grove
05:34:45 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
Emmas Eventers
Horses for sale -HEE Click-

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Breezy Way Ranch
07:49:17 Red
I sell upgrades and re rolls
Angels angels
07:47:10 Will Buy Brindles!!
-HEE Click-
WWW X freshman straw thread! Only 3k each!
Appy ranch
Looking for a 3 month upgrade
Port Royal Equines
07:08:44 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
EWW mares for sale. I can not prioritize them. 150k each.
Dash and Duchess
06:58:44 T1 Artist, W+ seller
Selling WWW CcrC Zz filly! She's only 2 and has a wk7 and AU wk 8!
-HEE Click-
Unwanted Ones
-HEE Click-

Last chance to breed with these beauties before they retire
06:00:38 👻 Holly
Taking offers on a EWW SH colt.
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
05:38:25 Ally 💜
Flashy EWW ISH filly! Doesnt fit my breeding program so needs to go!
-HEE Click-
Willow Grove
05:34:45 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
Emmas Eventers
Horses for sale -HEE Click-

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Small Boarding Facility RP | Open! August 21, 2024 10:05 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Damon Áed Kool G | Dan | 24 | Male
The smell of horses surrounded the flighty man. His fingers wrapped around his left wrist, tugging nervously. Dan stood in front of Sparrows stable, the grullo mare staring back at him with a silent question lingering in her eyes.
The man reached out and touched Sparrows soft nose, perhaps it's time to have a small ride, as she has been getting used to the stall for the whole day, why not the property now?
Dan turned away, much to Sparrows disappointment and looked towards the tack and feed room, hopefully nobody was in there. He had his daily max of convocation with new people.
Dan paced down the stable stalls, his eyes scanning the newer horses on the way to the destination.
The man let out a small sigh, walking into the tack and feed room, his eyes landing on his personal locker. Dan opened his locker and lifted his saddle from the rack, the bridle hanging on two fingers.
Sparrow fidgeted under the saddle, eager to go. She pawed at the ground and snorted at her rider, her tail swinging. Soft as lady hair.
Dan smiled, leaning slightly, breaking his form and patting her soft neck.
Sparrow nickered and snorted again, Dan fixed his form and tapped his heel around Sparrows girth. The horse responded eagerly but responsibly, keeping at a fast walk. Dan moved his hips, finding his pace with the horse beneath him.
(open to interactions)
Small Boarding Facility RP | Open! August 23, 2024 03:33 PM

Oakwood Barn
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Aaron Jane Fernon | 22 | F | Dancing Complexions | M; --
Aaron paused, looking back as her eyebrows furrowed. She didn't want to explore without Dancer. Sighing, Aaron made her way back inside the barn. Her strides were long as she walked to Dancer's back stall. Aaron unmatched the stall and pushed it open, being greeted by Dancer who nudged her. Aaron reached forward and scratched her nose gently.
"Hey girl... wanna go explore...?"
She asked quietly. Aaron earned a small nicker from Dancer, which she took as a yes. Reaching back, Aaron grabbed the mares lead rope, gripping the metal clip and attaching it to Dancers halter. She shoved the stall door open and led Dancer out and over to the halls cross-ties. Aaron hooked the mare up to the cross-ties and patted her neck. Dancer hung her head quietly, resting one of her legs and putting wait on the other three. Aaron walked over to her tack locker, pulling out her brushing kit and setting it down by the mare. She grabbed the brushes and made sure to brush Dancers black and white coat down. Once the colorful mare had been brushed, Aaron leaned down and grabbed a hoofpick. She gently picked Dancers hooves, setting each down gently. After her horse was clean, she straightened up and arched her back, cracking it and sighing. She really was horrible at bending over for that long. She felt like a fucking zombie. Well, that was pretty normal. Aaron picked up the brush set and went back to her tack locker, putting the brush kit back and pulling out her equestrian blanket. She threw the blanket over Dancer's back and positioned it, then grabbed her English saddle and throwing it over the blanket. Aaron grabbed the girth and tightened it so the saddle would stay on. She would finish tightening it when she was going to get on. Aaron grabbed Dancers gentle, bitless bridle and walked over to Dancers face. She gently slid off the halter, throwing the reins over the mares head and sliding on the bridle. Aaron tightens the straps softly and pats Dancers spotted neck and placed a kiss to her forehead. Aaron let the cross ties fall away and gathered up the halter and rope. She hung them up in her tack locker and closed it, locking it. She sucked in a small breath and led Dancer out of the barn, letting them step into the gentle evening sunlight. Aaron looked around, frowning. She didn't really know where to go now. She turned to Dancer, letting the mare eat some of the lush grass as she tightened the girth. Dancer grunted in annoyance and Aaron laughed quietly.
"Sorry, Hon..."
She whispered, letting the stirrups fall to the sides of the saddle. Aaron put one of her feet in the stirrups and jumped a few times before hoisting herself up. She settled herself into the saddle, holding the reins loosely. She let Dancer nibble on the grass while Aaron looked around, eyebrows furrowing as she tried finding some place to go.
(Please PM for an interaction! Aaron doesn't know where she wants to go, and I need someone to help me move her along :)

Edited at August 24, 2024 04:36 PM by Oakwood Barn
Small Boarding Facility RP | Open! August 24, 2024 03:32 PM

Boulder Creek
Posts: 1316
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Freddie Kerr | 24 M | Eventer
Location: By Barn A; Outdoor Arena | Tags: Ruth; Damon & Aaron
Firefly Rook

After the introductions, Freddie answered Ruth's next question. "I actually have a horse in both barns. Firefly is in Barn A in the middle on the left side. And Rook is on the right side of Barn B."

"It's nice to meet both you and the lovely Cinder here. I'm headed off to take miss Firefly out on a hack about to stretch her legs. It was a long trailer ride from Adelaide. I already lounged Rook earlier. He's a handful." Oop, I'm rambling again. Freddie thought to himself as his cheeks reddened slightly. He ran a hand through his hair while trying to not look too sheepish

He said a quick farewell and see you later to Ruth before heading inside Barn A. As he entered he saw the tail end of spotted horse exit out the other side. Maybe he would meet another person on his ride about.

Firefly was in her stall a bit anxious as she watched the movement in the barn aisle of horses and humans. She picked at her hay but was too wound up to fully settle. She nickered softly when her human approached her stall and slid the door open. Freddie saw the state of his horse and felt bad for not getting her out sooner. He haltered her and led the bay mare out to the cross ties and began grooming her. Her coat had a few shavings clinging to her hair, a clear sign that at some point she'd been comfortable enough to roll in the clean shavings. He finger combed what he could out of her tail as well before picking out her feet with a hoof pick.

Once satisfied with the quick groom, Freddie stepped into the tackroom and rummaged in his tack trunk for a pair of splint boots and a saddle pad. He grabbed his saddle and bridle from the rack and then headed back to the waiting mare. He quickly tacked her up with the gear and led the prancing mare out to the Outdoor arena where he had seen a mounting block.

Freddie had a pair of black boots and half chaps over his jeans, a grey shirt and black vest. He made sure to clip the strap on his helmet before mounting up on the blood bay mare. She jigged a bit and he gently held her between his legs and with soft contact on the bit. "It's okay," he said calmly hoping to soothe her. Once she had stretched her legs at a forward walk around the outdoor ring, he decided she was in a good mindset to take a property hack.

He saw the black and white spotted horse with a rider hacking out as well. Another movement caught his eye and he saw a dark horse with a male rider. At least I'm not the only guy, Freddie chuckled to himself.

Small Boarding Facility RP | Open! August 26, 2024 06:16 PM

Boulder Creek
Posts: 1316
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[I made a post in the Discussion Thread (LINK) to help organize the Characters with what they're doing and who's open for interaction (which is pretty much everyone) - Pick a character and get to interacting 💙]
Small Boarding Facility RP | Open! August 26, 2024 08:08 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Damon Áed Kool G | Dan | 24 | Male | M: Firefly, Freddie
Dan leaned forward, his shoulders folding to allow the movement, he allowed his fingers to brush Sparrows neck, her shortly cut mane scattered and silky under his fingers. Dan straightened, a small smile on his face... maybe it wasn't to bad here, it was beautiful and there is a lot of space to exercise and avoid other people.
Sparrow nickered, extending her neck a little, making Dan hesitate and loosen his grip on the reins. Sparrows neighed this time, pulling her head forward again. Dan frowned and pat her neck, reaching forward and grabbing hold of the reins again.
Dan patted his horses neck, again and again, until she calmed down a bit. It was new this place, sparrow, obviously eager to explore. So he couldn't blame her for this behaviour.
The pair walked across a part of the property, gravel crunching below then, satisfying.
Dan looked around spotting a rider and horse, a blood bay and a male rider, Dan blinked, it was the first male he had seen for now. Dan lowered his head, up wanting a conversation. But sparrow had other ideas.
The grullo mare lifted her head, making a loud neigh, calling in greeting to the other horse. Dan slipping one hand from the reins to tip his helmet slightly, so the other rider couldn't see the embarrassed blush on Dans face.
Sparrow took the opportunity, swinging around, Dan gasping and tearing for the reins, hoping to steer the cantering horse away from the blood bay mare. But sparrow didn't want to be stopped, she kept going, ears forward and glee like a candle in her eyes.
She slowed as she approached the other horse, stretching her neck and moving her muzzle towards the mares. Dan took his eyes off of sparrows moments, sitting awkwardly half in the saddle from Sparrows sudden movements.
Dan shifted his body weight and fixed his position, sitting in the saddle properly. "Uh... H-Hi" he said, making a slow greeting gesture to the other rider.
Small Boarding Facility RP | Open! August 27, 2024 04:33 AM

Moonland And Elites
Posts: 6898
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(I'll get a Cora post up sometime soon but heres Ruth for now!)
Ruth Carling | 27 | F | Pandoras Flame | M; Cinder, Freddie.
The ginger haired woman used the scraper against the mares body starting with her back, as she worked on getting the water out of Cinders coat coat she listened to Freddie speak. "It's been nice meeting you too, I'm looking forward to meeting the two one day" she smiled, "Have a good hack and night" she smiled as he parted off inside the barn.
Running the sweat scraper against different areas on the red mares coat she was gradually more happy with the results, deep in thought on maintaining the mares coat she was thinking about putting a thin sheet on her for the night to help with her coat being a bit wet still and hopefully keep her from ruining the effort she'd put into keeping her coat shining.
Reaching into her pocket Ruth fished out a treat she'd had in there for a bit but she knew Cinder wouldn't care how old it was, extending her hand the red mare gobbled it up with haste and had a look in her eye for more. Shaking her head Ruth finished up scraping the water from Cinders coat, her coat was slick and fresh from the bath looking good for however long it would last. Ruth only did hardcore thorough baths mainly for shows and the mare didnt have one for a while they needed to do some more work.
Packing up all of the items they used she quickly tied Cinder to a nearby post while she ran in to put all of it back in the tack room. Walking back out she was met with Cinder calling out to another horse who'd gone past, Ruth chuckled before undoing the mares lead rope.
Undone and ready the ginger haired girl and the chestnut mare made their way down the path intending to go for a little stroll outside the property, the sound of the mares hooves against the pathway rang through the air as she walked tame beside her owner as her damp coat shone in the slowly setting orange sun. Ruth used the back of her free hand to wipe her forehead and breathed a sigh of relief that the bath was over, looking down at her own clothes that definitely needed the wash when she got home. Chuckling but smiling Ruth gave the mare a pat, she made you put the work in but it was worth it to have such a mare as her partner in the saddle and on the ground.
Small Boarding Facility RP | Open! September 3, 2024 02:02 PM

Aspen Fire ES
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Heather Storm | 23 | Eventing Rider | Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" and The Lovely Marisol "Etria" | Mentions: Bethany, Open.

(Before the time skip.)

Heather heard the woman's voice before looking back, turning herself around half way while holding the rose dapple grey's rug in her arms. "Oh uh, yes ma'am. I'm Heather Storm, this one is Eclipse." The ombre brunette pointed to the seal brown stud that's looking over them again with hay in his mouth. "and This sweet girl is Etria." The rider added, patting her mare's neck.

"I don't really know where there stalls are but I'm grateful for the help since I don't think I'll be able to lead two horses at once." Heather said this, having a sweet but honest tone in her voice. After a while of talking with the owner of the stables, she learned where Eclipse's stall is since Etria would be lead by the older woman to be stalled. The ombre brunette walked over to Eclipse, deciding to lead him into the barn first while exchanging a firm but kinda soft pat on his neck before leading him off into the stables. Taking note that the seal brown stud was already getting amped up, causing the said stud to prance a bit at her side while being lead by the short woman. Without much warning, the stallion suddenly lunged at another stud with his ears back, teeth showing with his mouth wide open as a high pitch squeal came out of the seal brown which caught the ombre brunette by surprise but quickly yanked on the lead to correct her stud while pulling his head away so he doesn't make contact with the other equine with every ounce of strength she could quickly gather up, quickly leading him to his stall. She'd felt quite embarassed by Eclipse's sudden action as he was sometimes mellowed out around another studs but he just wasn't having it today.

After putting Eclipse up in his stall, she slips out then shutting the stall door before locking it. The young woman checked her stud one last time as he starts to settle then she walks down the aisle to exit out of the barn to check up on Etria to see how the mare is settling in. Once she got to the other barn that her rose dapple grey mare is at, she peeks into her mare's stall and smiles a bit in relief that she's doing just fine before heading off to go get herself settled in.


(After Time Skip.)

Heather Storm | 23 | Eventing Rider | Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" and The Lovely Marisol "Etria" | Mentions: Open to Interactions.

Heather had gotten herself ready for today, already had planned out her day as she was gonna work on Show Jumping with Eclipse before taking him out for a ride while debating if she should do the same thing with Etria on the same day. She'd be wearing a dark red polo shirt, black riding breeches, black riding gloves and black riding boots. Already having her ombre brunette hair in a braid while heading towards the stables, her black riding helmet would be in her right hand, being carried by the strap.


Edited at September 7, 2024 07:29 PM by Aspen Fire ES
Small Boarding Facility RP | Open! September 3, 2024 02:02 PM

Aspen Fire ES
Posts: 6362
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Edited at September 3, 2024 02:03 PM by Aspen Fire ES
Small Boarding Facility RP | Open! September 9, 2024 09:36 AM

Moonland And Elites
Posts: 6898
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-Time Skip-
Time; Early Morning. / Sun; Just Risen. / Temperature; 15 Celcius / Clouds; None. / Forecast; Chilly Morning with a Dry Heat Afternoon of 26 Celcius.

Small Boarding Facility RP | Open! September 12, 2024 09:25 AM

Moonland And Elites
Posts: 6898
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Bethany Moyer | 63 | F | Florea Dreaming | M; Horse Truck, Fleur.
Coming out of her coazy home again in the early hours of the morning, the reason for her early rising was for an exciting reason. Bethany had decided to rescue a mare she'd heard about that needed a home, she was done with owning horses but one of the younger boarders Cora was thrilled to help out and lease her.
Walking up the driveway she followed the sounds of an idling truck outside the gates, there she was the heavy built mare looking around anxiously. After allowing the mare to take a few moments adjusting to her Bethany took over and led her into the property.
With the transport truck leaving the mare was on edge, Bethany wasn't exactly sure on her history with people but she knew there was a lot of work and time before Fleur would trust anyone here. Clopping down the path as the pangare bay mare trailed along by the aged woman, her ears and eyes surveying the area as they approached the smaller of the three pastures. Beth was going to allow Fleur in there by herself to adjust without the stress of new horses yet, she still had to decide out of all of the horses which would be suited best in the pasture with her then ask the owner, even though the mare was already in foal a stallion still wasn't an option.
Ruth Carling | 27 | F | Pandoras Flame | M; Cinder
Last night Ruth had left Cinder in the turnout of her pasture, only being her first night at the new place she didnt want the dutch warmblood to break something flying around the pasture. Today would be the first time Ruth has let her out on the pasture and she had mixed feelings about it, she was definitely excited to see her explore the new area but at the same time with horses you always have to be prepared for the unexpected.
With the Willie Wagtails and Magpies breaking out in a chorus she decided it was best to rise from her slumber, sliding out of bed unwillingly she started her morning routine.
Freshly showered and dressed Ruth was fetching her car keys to head out the front door, she was going to grab breakfast while she was out and do a bit of shopping for Cinder.
Grabbing a breakfast wrap to fill her stomach Ruth roamed the store isles mentally adding a few pricey items to her wishlist and grabbing a few items she needed right now that wouldnt cost her an arm and a leg. A new paddock blanket, some fly spray and a large bag of treats she managed to haul into her cart. Her bank account was going to cry for sure but it was worth it to see the look on Cinders face when you had a handful of treats, the paddock blanket she didnt like so much but that was for Ruths sanity when it came to the wet and muddy season.
Checking out with her items Ruth wheeled it out of the store and towards her car waiting not far outside, the keys jingled as she fished them out to unlock the vehicle before lifting up the boot listening as the supports whined on the way. Lifting the shopping spree score Ruth was on her way again with the destination being the stable.
Cora Veitch | 19 | F | Mad Maddox & Florea Dreaming (Lease) | M; Sienna (Sister/NPC), Claire (Mother/NPC), Maddox.
With the birds singing outside and the sound of her mother scrambling around the home filled her ears, it was another day that her younger sister stalled as much as she could to get ready for school. Rolling over she stared at the ceiling with a groan as she knew she wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, sitting up and brushing her wild bed hair back Cora eventually got up from bed.
Making her way to the dinning room table breakfast was set out by her mother, her plate was the only one uneaten as her father was already off to work and her mother was carting her sister off to school.
After she'd finished her breakfast the front door sounded as her mother was back again, "Why aren't you ready?" looking over her mother had a cross look on her face. 'ready for what?' Cora was confused until it hit her, they were going on a trail ride today! "I'll go get ready!" Cora called out as she raced back to her room to get changed. Cora couldn't wait to go trail riding with Maddox again it'd been a while since she'd had time to.
Her riding clothes consisted of light grey breeches, her tall black riding boots, a long sleeve top to beat the sun, her black riding gloves and a protection vest otherwise her mother wouldnt let her step foot out the door and of course her helmet but that was at the stable in her tack locker.
Racing back down the stairs after she'd finished cleaning herself up by brushing her teeth and hair leaving it in a simple low ponytail, the two were off and heading for the ranch Cora excitedly staring out the window of the vehicle.
Taylor Davis | 25 | M | FMF Fever Dreaming & Red Fantasy (Lease) | M; Dahlia, Fanta.
Taylor had already finished his morning routine and was arriving at the ranch to pick up his two horses to transport to the new boarding facility, he was happy to finally leave where they'd been staying to explore some more endurance competitions and find a better place for Dahlia to foal after hearing the new ranch had some foaling stalls.
Loading time Taylor had Dahlia ready with her travel gear and was heading to the float with her lead in hand, clopping beside him she momentarily sniffed the ramp before loading in. Clipping the padded rail up on her side her grey backside and tail rested against it, "Alright i'm coming" he shook his head as he could hear Fanta calling out from inside the barn.
Doing the same with Fanta he had all of her travel gear on ready for the trip as she loaded up too, the chestnut mare stood beside the grey while Taylor clipped in her rail and did up the float ramp. Double checking all of the latches were secure Taylor said his goodbyes and headed off, the three were heading out with new places to see as the vehicle and float drove off from their previous ranch.
Precious cargo in tow Taylor tapped his fingers against the steering wheel guiding it using google maps on his phone.

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