
Willow Canyon Ranch said: Panther PONs said: Harmony, roused rather rudely, from her bliss, jumped up and blinked her eyes clear in time to see Dreams kill the wolf, and Wild come running (faster than she had ever seen!) Up to Dreams. 'phew' she thought 'at least she has her mate with her." She turned back to lay down, when she noticed Cosmo looking at her. She tipped her head at him, and asked "what? Is there something on my face?"
Erm we're not mates yet lol I was like wait hold on a second I had to re-read it)
XD it wasn't until you pointed that out that I noticed! And yeah Panther, it'll take WAY more drama and turmoil to convince West it is actually okay LOL) +++ West nodded a little, letting out a breath. Getting too close to a rabid animal was like accepting a death sentence, so he was terrified Dream had gotten hurt. "The Foals may be important but you are still a life. I'm glad you're okay." He stated firmly, pausing a little as he realized she said *another*. +Conversation for later+ he thought. "I was making sure Luna was okay. The wolf had headed that way." He answered, flicking an ear at her uneasiness.
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'Thank you for saying that, West, but I will always put a foal first, even if it means injury or worse.' She shuddered. 'Are you okay, West? You seem on edge... I know that whole situation just happened but it's over now. Was it something I said or did? I acted rashly to protect the foals and I know you think its your job to protect everyone, but I'm ok. I handled it.'

West inclined his head slightly. "I will respect that decision, considering I would do the exact same thing." He responded, at the same time thinking +I may respect it but I do NOT agree with it. Of course the foal is just as, even more, important but you are still very important+ he thought before focusing back on Dream. "I'm fine. And no, you've done nothing. Thank you for helping with the wolf." He answered, quietly, almost a mumble. "I have to go think for a moment..." West finally said, glancing around the herd before moving off, further away. Why did things have to be so complicated.
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Dreams watched him go and a sharp pang hit her heart. 'okay, West.' She whispered to herself and herself only. Edited at March 24, 2024 11:02 PM by Willow Canyon Ranch

West hung his head slightly. He couldn't let his feelings for anyone get in the way of taking care of this herd. They all were his top priority.. he couldn't get distracted! He hated the fact that when he heard that snarl the first thing he worried about was just Dreams. No one else. Like, did the other horses even exist? Hello brain? Take a vacation without the body? He couldn't do this! He would fail at protecting someone and he wouldn't be Able to live with the guilt.
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(hope fades into the sunset never to be seen again, hehe)
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cosmo shook his head at harmonys words "no........you just looked so ... peaceful" he said with a slight blush before shaking his head and looking around
NOT HOPE -gasps- also I love your new avatar pic)
LE NEXT DAY (Spongebob narrator) Dreams awoke with a start, remembering the wolf. Had it been a dream? No... It wasnt. She shuddered lightly as she recalled the way the wolf had lunged for her. -where is everyone?- She thought, suddenly realizing she wasn't with the herd. -what happened?- (She was sleepwalking and is now lost guys I'm such a baddie)

West had been worrying and fretting about things the entire night, getting, at most, 43 minutes of sleep. As the sun dawned, flaring bright red in the sky, he realized within 10 seconds of looking around that Dream was gone. Immediately concerned, West trotted to the main part of the herd and looked around again, hoping his eyes had failed to see her laying in the grass. They hadn't. He quickly sucked in a breath, his nostrils flaring, the the newest scent he could find of hers was hours old. +How could you miss her leaving!?+ he thought, his ears pinned with worry as he glanced back at the still asleep herd before silently trotting away, towards where the faint scent trail led. Cosmo would protect the herd while he was gone. Thats when his brain started battling itself. +See, this is just why you shouldn't like her! You're running off into the sunset to find her while you abandon the rest of the herd!+ he thought at the same time as he thought +she is a valuable herd member, no matter if I have feelings for her or not it is my job to find her+ he thought, finally making up his mind and cantering towards the rolling hills to find Dream.
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