"Yeah, after tomorrow all of this money will be gone, and I'll be back to being the lowest of the low." she stated sadly. Her eyes almost welled up into tears, but she held it back. Barely. Tomorrow she would put KC down, buy a stock load of hay, maybe some food. Hopefully some treats... Isabella forgot for a second that she was talking to the prince. He could get her talking like Amy could, before the accident. Amy was Isabella's best friend. They hung out together, helped each other. But, one day, Amy went out to the bar, as she had a drinking problem, and a noble poisoned her. Bella went to prison for it for 7 days. Until it was proven that she wasn't there. And she got Amy's horses. KC and Taco Pony.

"That's a shame," he says as Isabella states he response of he going broke again by tomorrow, "at least you should get some money during this festival right? I mean a lot of people come into town for all of the activities and competitions. You could at least win some more money if you are not working." Jay had decided to not talk about where her money was going since it seemed to be a sad topic for the girl, since he had noticed the moment of tears in her eyes. Once Luca had petted Taco enough he made a gesture to Jayce asking if he could go look at some stuff and Jay nods and watches as the servant happily leaves to explore.
"See you around?" she asked the prince as if he was a lifelong friend. As she watched him walked away she wished she could tell Amy. But she was gone. Just like anyone Bella had left. But she might see the prince again sometime... No probably not. He was busy, and thought he had stated on how he wants to treat everyone equal to her, he probably didn't believe it. All royals are like that. It was bred into them. All the weak ones are killed. Assassins are everywhere. Killers in disguise, and if you need someone dead, or maybe just want someone dead, and have the money, they find you.

"Yeah see you," he says to Isabella and goes to find Luca. It didn't take long to find the young servant over at one of the barns where some of the coals of race horses were being sold. It took Jayce a lot of convincing to get Luca to leave the barn and instead they headed back towards the palace. Luca babbled to Jayce about some of the riders he had met and their horses, but Jay wasn't really paying attention. His mind wandered back to Isabella and what he could do once he was king for people like her. But he still had a few years until that happened.
(can we do a timeskip for two years, when your corination is happening?)

(I mean sure. Maybe Jayce and Isabella have gotten closer during that time?)
(yes but it is a secret thing from his parents!) Isabella rode Taco into town happily. Tomorrow was Jayce's coronation. And Bella was invited. Of course, it took some convincing, but she was in! A large Bernese mountain dog followed Bella. Jayce had got it as a gift for Bella's last birthday. She finally turned 19! "Come on King!" Bella called to the puppy. Because, the coronation was being planned the day she got the puppy, and the prince, soon to be king, gave it to her, she named him after a king. Nothing could ruin today. She was meeting up with Jayce at their usual spot, the fairgrounds, and in a couple of days he might ask her out.

(Ok) Jayce was being pulled around from place to place in the castle. Seeing that his coronation was tomorrow, everything had to be perfect. Jay had to have the right outfit, papers had to be checked over, his speech had to be practiced, the ball room where the celebration was to be held had to be set up correctly, and who knows what else he had to do. He was getting kind of tired of being pulled from place to place since he had been up since dawn to make sure everything would get done in time. Although there was one good thing about this, Jayce's parents were actually smiling and talking to him like an actual adult, since he was now 20 years old. After a long day's work everything seemed ready to go for the big day tomorrow. Jay remembered that he was supposed to meet Isabella at their meeting spot and spoke to his parents about going out to get some fresh air, which they allowed him too since he had worked hard all day. So once he was at the stables Jayce quickly tacked up his horse Columbus and trotted through town towards the fairgrounds. He hoped that Isabella wasn't mad at him for being late.
When Jayce got there, she was cantering Taco in the ring. She had a bareback barrel competition next week! As soon as she saw Jayce, she reined taco in and gently asked her horse to jump the fence. Taco felt strangely crazy today, so he agreed meekly to the jump. Her Bernese mountain dog jumped up on Taco's side, so Isabella gently picked him up and King sat on Taco's butt. He really looked his part. "I understand that. But, Taco, remember that you are a knight. King is the king. You are a knight!" Bella told her horse when Taco gave her the look of 'no.'

He smiled seeing Isabella have Taco jump the fence and noticed that she had brought King with as well. Jay was happy to see Isabella enjoying herself with the puppy and her horse and chuckled some as she spoke to Taco. He trotted Columbus up beside her and was clearly a few hands taller than her, since Columbus was a Percheron. "Sorry I'm late," he says rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I was busy getting everything figured out for tomorrow. You know, coronation day and all that."