
Sage brought chaos out to the race track they had there for practice. Chaos had been born to race...but he was a runt and an orphan, so they were going to put him down. Sage had raised him up and now the stallion had even won races with him....he was a Wonderful horse, and he really did love him a lot. He was his only friend, or family member, that he loved. His father was alive....but he'd ran from him a long time ago. He let chaos sprint through the track as long as he wanted to before bringing him slowly back down gaits until he was walking and cooling down
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Chloe had woken and Decided to ride bolt. She rode him bareback so she put the bridle on and started walking through the woods. She liked to ride at night and look up at the stars. They walked slowly until they came to a open stretch. Bolt wanted to go so Chloe let him. They galloped around the open plain for a while.

Sage had cooled chaos down enough to go wash him off with a hose, since he'd gotten himself all excited and lathered up while running, as he always did. Once he hosed him off and scraped off the extra water, he brought him out to the field to graze. He saw the girl, but left her alone. If she wanted to talk she could come over, but so far she didn't seem to want to talk to him. Maybe she was as stuck up as the other grooms all said.
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Chloe had her eyes closed and wasn't holding on. That's when bolt nickered to the black stallion and cantered over. Chloe quickly gathered the reins and stopped him. "Wanna ride with me?" She asked not sure what to say

Sage looked over when he heard the girl's voice and shrugged. "Why not," he hummed. "You think you're up to some more, bud," he asked the stallion, who gave him a look like 'you barely let me run earlier kid'. He chuckled and hopped on the stallions back. He normally rode bareback, with either a light snaffle of halter...neither he or chaos liked being confined, and tack sort of was a bit of confinement. "Where would you like to ride," he asked the girl. He didn't care...he just hoped she didn't ask just to be nice. Because he needed a friend...though, he knew he couldn't get too close. No one could know he was a werewolf. That was partly why he never really smiled ...his fangs showed up if he smiled too big.
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"Anywhere you'd like" she replied. Chloe was also riding bare back so that grace wouldn't get suspicious and Chloe sometimes took of his bridle and let him gallop. She patted bolts neck as the stallion pranced about wanting to continue to run.

Sage hummed lightly and nudged chaos forward, sort of just letting the stallion go wherever he wanted. "Let the horses decide, then," he said with a shrug. Both stallion obviously wanted to run, be ause they ended up just galloping around the field after a while. Edited at August 15, 2023 08:12 AM by NightClan
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Chloe nodded and leaned forward and took bolts bridle off. She left it hanging on a tree. She let bolt go and he took off like a rocket. Chloe was smiling as they galloped around:

Sage laughed when bolt started galloping and let chaos run around with him until the horses were both sprinting across the field happily.
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Chloe was starting to really like this guy. But she didn't even know his name. Just as bolt started slowing down he saw something move in the trees so he suddenly swerved and sped up. This caused Chloe to loose ballance she held on to his mane before hoisting her self back up.