
Royal//3//Band B//Mare//M:kiki not getting a resolution her head lowered and pinned sadly she slowly pawed at the ground the loneliness kicking in overtime why did she leave her herd? She should have stayed. But she thought about it, the stallion was rude aggressive kicking and biting mares and pushing around foals, and the fillys? They were worse, they bullied you for fun, and if you went to mom about, they made sure you regretted it the missing part of her ear was proof enough of the rudeness there. She had a reason to leave. She just felt it was a simi bad idea and maybe it was but if she stayed that would be worse, she didnt want to be treated like crap from a stallion - Seeing the mare royals ears perked and her body relaxed seeing a mare "im ok i dont need help im frankly just loney and looking for a herd" she said softly her head lowering a tad bit as she shifted from hoof to hoof she seemed almost sad? That she was alone and if she were honest to herself she was the air shifted and she was able to smell the herd better now her ears perked and her eyes seemed to soften a bit at the thought of friends and having a family, would she make a good mother? Or a good mare? The thoughts ran through her head life wildfire as soon as they started theres no going back

Thistle | Mare | 4 | Red roan with a white snip | Band A | Thistle was keeping pace with the herd, occassionally pushing herself closer to the front...before falling back to take a headcount of everyone. Everything was going smoothly. She had expected there to be some nippiness as Amira found where she stood in the herd on a long move like this but the new mare had avoided that entirely. Speaking of her...it had been a while since Thistle had seen her. Concerned, the roan mare began to weave through the other horses, trying to check if Amira was perhaps just keeping her head low. When she didn't spot the other her nostrils flared with worry. Her pace completely slowed. Hanging much further back. Amira's scent was still lingering, and Thistle didn't pick up on any other smells. . Not humans, or stallion- not even a dingo. She chose to wait to see if Amira would show up again. Luckily she did, and they caught up to the herd again "Where did you wander off to?" Thistle asked, sniffing at the other mare. She had a slight tone of irritation in her voice, Amira wandering off like that wasn't safe "If you want to go off somewhere by yourself, tell someone" Thistle added on after a little while, her tail waving back and forth as she nudged Amira's shoulder, encouraging her to stick closer to the herd's center. It was true on longer journeys that the herd members got restless and harder to keep in line, even Thistle had been guilty of straying. She was hoping they would stop soon

Kiki | Mare | 3 | Band B | M: Royal, Bracken, Arika, Midnight - Kiki looked her over. She looked a bit dirty but other than that she seemed fine, not hurt at all. Surprising since she was a lone mare. She tensed when she realised dingoes could have easily attacked a tired, lonely mare like her. Kiki scanned her surroundings but the coast was clear. Still a little skittish, Kiki introduced herself. "My name is Kiki, I can take you to my herd if you want. It's not that far from here. You shouldn't be wandering around on your own, it's dangerous." Kiki wondered if the herd would accept this newcomer. Of course they would, or at least she hoped, but what about Bracken? He would be happy to have another mare in his herd so really there wasn't much of a problem at all. Kiki set off back towards the herd, pausing every now and then to look behind her, making sure the newcomer was keeping up. She walked up to Arika, Midnight and Bracken. "I found this mare all by herself. She said she's looking for a herd to join. It would be okay if she joined us right?" -

Kirra | Mare | 6 | Tobiano Buckskin | M; NPC Lead Stallion, NPC Herd. . Her gradient white to black tail swished around smacking flies as they came to land on her damp coat, Kirra was trying to rest after a long night of her band moving (NPC Herd). It seemed like her lead stallion was uneasy about something, their band wasnt large it was only a handful of mares the stallion had managed to score and she was the newest addition. . Going from herd to herd wasnt exactly ideal for her and most of the stallions weren't kind, her coat littered with bites and scratches from scuffles with them. She lowered her head to graze there was much lush grass where the band was located and the nearest water source was a few minute walk because the lead stallion was trying so hard to hide the band from any outside eyes. Her on the thinner side frame moved around as she ripped up some of the dying grass, she hoped the rain would help bring in some more grass or the lead stallion would at least move somewhere with lush grass but she knew the odds of that happening were slim. . Snorting the tobiano buckskin mare surveyed their surroundings as she chewed what she'd gathered, some part of her wished there was somewhere better for her but she didnt have any chance of getting past the lead stallion with his watchful eye. Although the lead himself was thin like the rest of the herd he would still beat her in a scuffle to leave. Raising her head she let out a long whinny, it earned her a mean look from the lead stallion but she turned away from him lowering her head once more.
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Scarab | Stallion | 4 | Palamino | Bachelor | M; Kirra, NPC band . Growing bored of the idle nature of the horses he had been watching, Scarab raised his front hooves, throwing his weight to spin himself around and dart off to another location. Staying still for too long wasn't good for him anyway. His tail raised high as he galloped off in another direction. His nostrils open and snorting as his weight came down on his lungs with each stride, forcing the air out harshly. He slowed after some time to a walking pace, his head bobbing up then down in an almost lazy pattern. He had wandered into another stallion's territory. He could smell it...and see tracks too. His lucky day maybe? Scarab raised his head, gaining back some energy from the curiosity that pulled at him. Did he want to go another season alone...? . He chose not to, he'd have to start putting the work in. So with the intention to 'enter the ring' for turn of phrase, Scarab set off after the hoofprints. It lead him to a dusty plain, with underwhelming grass and a lead stallion he thought of as equally underwhelming. Of course- he shouldn't be so rude. He could still get it handed to him by a seasoned horse...he scanned the herd for a while, his eyes landing on a buckskin mare with white patterning over her body. If he was going to bring a mare with him he'd have to show her he was better than the current stallion. . When she called out an unexpected whinny, Scarab answered. He raised his head to make sure it carried as he approached the herd. He was watching their lead as he made his way closer to the patterned mare Edited at August 31, 2024 01:58 PM by Parakeet Fields

Royal//3//Band B//Mare//M:kiki Royal looked the mare over as well agreeing to everything she had said and then followed closely behind she made sure to keep her head down and ears forward in a not threatening way "im royal by the way" she said as she walked behind Kiki once she got closer to the herd she looked over all the mares she got a bit more happy as she relized she may have new friends she rocked from hoof to hoof anxiously seeing some horses staring at her (sorry it's shorter idk what to say atm)

(Anybody up for some mum and dad memories?) - Gunnya | Lead stallion | Band A | M: Herd mares - Gunnya snorted, sweat pouring down his body, drizzling down from his flanks. The lead stallion lifted his head and slowed to a stop, a familiar valley stood before him, Gunnya turned back to his herd, which he noted all looked tired and fidgety. Guilt curled like a snake around his heart, he had pushed them all to hard for the sake of his nerves. Gunnya approached them, regret in his eyes. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to push you all this hard, I was just eager to get out of there" he said, ears flicking back and fourth. Despite his Exhaustion he was still on high alert. Gunnya neighed to get the tired herds attention, he swung around and trotted down a rough and rocky path leading the sweaty mares into a valley with sudden bursts of sweet grass and a cool bubbling brook surrounded by gumtrees and the song of wild birds. Their voices building a crescendo of freedom, song of the wild horses. Gunnya lifted his head, watching the singing wild birds. Standing over the brook, his hooves touching the cool water. When the lead stallion looked at the birds, he fainting remembered his dam, Kurri Kurri it was. He couldn't remember his dams colour but he always thought of her as a bay or black. He remembered her voice, sharing her wisdom with him. Giving him warnings about his own father when he started reaching 2 years olds. Gunnya, remembering the fond memories snorted and lowering his head and sipping, his eyelids were still heavy but now he had a glimmer of happiness under his skin, merging in his bones. When he thought of his mother, he had nothing but fondness for her. Gunnya's father wasn't the best mannered, but Gunnya learnt how to become a lead stallion off of him, learning not to push to hard, to respect the mares and their foals. Never put them in unnecessary danger. No matter how many scars Gunnya carried from his father, grown over by a long winter coat, he still couldn't find himself to hate his father, not when he stood such a crucial part of Gunnya's life. Not when he taught him to be the man in others lives. Gunnya looked at the sweaty mares around him, sipping at the water and laying on the puffs of sweet grass, sneaking cheeky nips. He loved it here, his fathers old territory, won by another stallion who killed his sire. Hopefully one day Gunnya would gain his birthright back and build a territory up at Dargos high plains too.
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_________ Amira | Band A As the badger tobiano caught up to the herd, the band's scent getting stronger, she spotted Thistle waiting... For her? She slowed to a trot to greet the roan mare before cantering alongside her "I was searching for water, I was thirsty... Sorry Thistle" Amira explained as they treaded through the dirt, at Thistle's next words about danger and telling someone before wondering off alone, Amira nodded "Ok, yeah maybe I should've told you first.. But I thought I'd be back before anyone knew" She returned the shoulder nudge. They finally caught up with the band, Amira slid down the rocky slope with flying colors and swiftly joined the herd. She nibbled at the lush green grass, it felt so good in her throat, she sneaked a peak at the lead stallion who was drinking, he seemed... Distracted. Amira returned to grazing, the grass giving her some better weight and making her slightly less thin then before. But her concern and curiosity getting the better of her, with a sigh Amira glanced at Navi, the mare wasn't paying attention, Amira lazily walked over and stood by Gunnya, her muzzle touching his shoulder "Hey Gunnya... Are you ok?" She asked in a caring tone Edited at August 31, 2024 09:41 PM by Hyrule_Stables

Edited at August 31, 2024 09:42 PM by Hyrule_Stables

Kirra | Mare | 6 | Tobiano Buckskin | M; Scarab, NPC Lead Stallion . Kirra's ears pricked up hearing an unfamiliar call, someone had returned her call!. Her head lifted and turned to see who'd called back to her and to her surprise it was a palomino bachelor stallion, she watched as the bachelor stallion approached but he wasnt approaching the lead stallion he was approaching her. Unease filled her as she didnt know what his intentions were but she had a feeling she wouldn't be staying here much longer based on how his body condition was much better than the lead stallions. . Looking over at the other band mares they were huddling together near the lead stallion leaving her sticking out like a sore thumb, hope grew inside of her chest maybe this was a good thing maybe he would be kinder to her than her lead stallion ever was. An unsure nicker escaping from her throat as she closely watched the bachelor stallion and the lead stallion who was quickly approaching them. Ears pinned against his head the lead tried to drive her away from the bachelor, recieving a bite to the hind she squealed and broke out into a trot. Her ears back she was trying to avoid his nipping, looking over at the bachelor stallion. . (You can play out the tussle with the NPC Lead and Scarab if you want Parakeet Fields :))(Pretty much decided Scarab is going to win anyway) . . Cinder | Mare | 5 | Bay w/Forehead Star | M; The Valley, Gunnya . Her sides slick with sweat as they finally slowed down reaching the destination that Gunnya had guided them to. Settling down in the valley it didnt take Cinder long to seek out the water source, gulping down the refreshing liquid to replenish the fluids she'd lost during the move. Snorting she surveyed their new surroundings seeing it was a good fit for the herd and it seemed familiar to Gunnya, almost as if it made the stallion happier to be here. . Finding a nice spot she bent her front legs and slowly lowered herself to the ground with a groan, she laid still for a few moments to relish the relief coming from her legs after standing and walking all evening. With a groan she tucked and rolled over a couple times using the dirt to soak up the moisture in her coat, as she sat up whilst still on the ground her ears remained on alert incase anyone took advantage of her laying position. Not exactly comfortable in the surroundings yet to have a sleep laying down, she got to her feet shaking out her mane and body sending any remaining dust and dirt flying from her coat.
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