Horse Eden Eventing Game
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( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 10:29 AM

Da Smexy Sheep
Posts: 6920
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Taleia l Mare l Single l Mentions: Areus, Open

Audit's perked high as they could be, for the mare was afraid but it was just a dream right? Just all a dream and nothing more... But not seeing Areus there made it uncomfortable for herself. But hearing the loud sound of cluttering hooves scared her more. Afraid if Val had come for herself and got through Areus. But as the voice of Areus disturbed her light weighted audits so softly calmed. Resting her muscles from tensing more of the fear that pondered around in her short mind.

Quickly flopping back over, matted mane swallowing her neck as she found herself muzzle to muzzle with the large paint, Lunging her soft rosy pink muzzle into his neck, sticking her tongue out grooming his neck for a second to tell him that it was alright and she wasn't mad for one bit of it
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 11:25 AM

Whispering Wood Barn
Posts: 1778
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No Fairy Horses Please. Last time you played Liac she was in the plains near the beach, work up to her coming to the beach where the others are. Horses don't just appear places. Thanks! :)

horses of gluttony said:
Lilac/ Female/ M:Noda, Night, Storm, Chance
Lilac looked up scenting new horses. She lifted her tail and started feeling uncomfterable. She did not want to many horses near her or Chance. She wanted chance all for herself.
Night l female l M: Noda, Storm
Night gave a soft nicker and looked at Noda and Storm. She wanted to know why there where suddenly so many horses coming here.

( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 11:29 AM

Former Stable
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Whispering Wood Barn said:
No Fairy Horses Please. Last time you played Liac she was in the plains near the beach, work up to her coming to the beach where the others are. Horses don't just appear places. Thanks! :)

horses of gluttony said:
Lilac/ Female/ M:Noda, Night, Storm, Chance
Lilac looked up scenting new horses. She lifted her tail and started feeling uncomfterable. She did not want to many horses near her or Chance. She wanted chance all for herself.
Night l female l M: Noda, Storm
Night gave a soft nicker and looked at Noda and Storm. She wanted to know why there where suddenly so many horses coming here.

She was with the other horses i mentioned.)
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 11:40 AM

Whispering Wood Barn
Posts: 1778
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Storm| Stallion| Single|M: Noda, Rowan, Cloud, Mouse, Stella

The stallions orbs softened at the grey's words, yet he was confused at what exactly the stallion had meant. Tilting his frame, he turned his frame to Noda before watching her run after the saddened stallion, he was confused, 'why was that stallions problems his to worry about?' 'why should he care when he was being stalked?' Storm lowered his frame as he relaxed his position some, he stepped out from the waters, allowing his hooves to meet the sands, still clinging the blue flower in his muzzle, he siged. Blue orbs fluttered to the ground, however, audits perked at the sounds of another coming towards him.

Lifting his frame, as his plumage twirled around his flank, his orbs met to a grey painted stallion. 'what did all these horses want with him... especailly stallions?' 'did.... did he somehow attract the?' his orbs seemed to get large at the thought, unknowingly his gaze drifted back to the golden sands, heat glistning on his back from the sun 'no.. no... that wouldn't be it... right?' all these thoughts quitely rushed through his mind, he felt his throat swell at all the possabilities, before his frame shot back to the stallion [Cloud] who clearly didn't look like he was going to leave....

The chimera stallion felt so akward and a cornered prey, he shyly looked over the body of the stallion before finding his face, he eyed Noda, looking back at him as he watched her attention go back to the grey stud [Rowan]. Opening his muzzle, he alloud the flower to drop from his graps as he watched it float down to the sands, letting out a sigh, as his orbs seemed to fall sad, he eyed the stallion once more, feeling his skin itching to flee, but this was home.

He took a breathe and finally pulled himself to speak ''Hello...'' he nickered through bared teeth, he wasn't sure why everyone started to flock to him but, at least he didn't feel so threatened by this stallion... at least not yet. But, what did he want? He waited for the other to speak but soon heard more nickering voices near by. Frame turned towards the wooded area that lined with the sands of the beach, he noticed the spotted white stallion [Mouse] from earlier but, now he was with a blue roan mare [Stella]. Huffing out softly under his breathe 'great' he thought, watching the other approach him, he took a small step back towards the waters, his audits perked yet then again pinned shyly, his blue orbs trailed over there faces before he looked away, his orbs locked to his fav. palm tree, oh he wished he could just disappear. The painted stallion turned his attention back to the three horses that surrounded him, shyly he flicked his plumage before his audits perked at the question, he tilted his frame before shaking his frame "No.. this isn't a band or a herd... it's just me and well...''he paused as he turned his frame to the blood bay mare [Noda] that still accopanied the grey stallion. ''Noda...'' he soon sighed out. He eyed the three equines once more, he began to feel tense, but the question rummed through his skull 'herd?' 'band?' 'is that why everyone flocks to me? me? a herd leader?' he laughed at teh thoughts as he stood there in his own little world, trying to seep away from reality and all the attention, he hoped if he stood there long enough they would all disappear. He focused on the sounds of the thudding waves, blocking out everything, as he quietly stood there, his sweet mountain/salted mixed scent carrying in the winds.

Edited at April 30, 2020 11:40 AM by Whispering Wood Barn
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 11:54 AM

Midnight Eclipse
Posts: 1009
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Rowan backed up another step as he saw the other horses {stella, Cloud}, his breath started to get labored as he though 'oh no this really was a bad idea'. he hurried and stood tall, 'stop, stop acting scared, you have been in worse situations before and you will be fine' he though trying to muster up some corage.
he really should have left all these horses alone, maybe he misunderstood the situation when he saw them and thought there were a Herd/Band. He looked at Storm, who now seemed to be focased on the stallion and mare {Cloud, Stella}, good he though as he stood tall chest exposed ready for what ever happened next. Looked around trying to assese what was happening, but all he got was that the mare and stallion {Cloud, stella} didnt know Noda or Storm and wanted to know if they were in a herd or band.
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 12:17 PM

Darkened Shadows
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Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia

Taleia's silence worried him but he calmed when she soothingly groomed his neck, confirming that she was, indeed, alright. "What happened, if you don't mind me asking? A nightmare?" The stallion moved closer and lightly licked the tip of her nose, showing her that he was there for her and he would never let anything happen to her. Now, to the matter at hand.

"Tal, do you know where Val and Diego are? Do you think your mate is following you?" They had to prepare in any situation that may arise, whether they had to find the pair or Val was coming after them, angry that his mate had taken off without him. For a moment, he could feel worry pulling at his insides, giving him a queasy feeling in his gut. It was time to be a true stallion, show the strength he had built up since he was chased out of his herd. This was it and he had to show Taleia that he loved her so much he would fight for her and her little colt.

( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 12:37 PM

Da Smexy Sheep
Posts: 6920
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Taleia l Mare l Single l Mentions: Areus, Open

Taleia could feel the grip on her heart pull tighter as she felt a sense they were soon to find herself. Audits flicked aside to rub against Areus head as she was tolled close enough. ' ' ' Nightmare.. ' ' ' The brindle mare's soft voice created a word that could scar the living lives out of one. Quickly nipping onto his nose as Areus seemed to give Taleia a love lick onto her puzzled pinky nose. Worry starting to fade from her mind as she felt Areus's heart tug onto hers, the loving matter he had much for and much Taleia would like to keep to herself.

Audits finding another sound flow from Areus's muzzle she picked it up quickly, process it into her mind once more to make it seem much sense to the matter they were in. ' ' ' I don't know, but Val has to be close, i have a feeling for it... ' ' ' It quickly fluttered out of her mouth, seeming to have a tone of shock as for it came deeply to depend onto Areus, more then the mare wanted
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 12:40 PM

Former Stable
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Mouse| Stallion| Single| M: Stella
The spotted stallion lay at the palm tree where he thought he found the one, but to his surprise, just a friend. He didn't know what to do anymore. He kept look back to the beach, to see if Stella would come back. But she never did. His hazel orbs drifted to his feet as he leaned against the tree. "There must be another mare that doesn't have a mate. There must be" His hot, sweaty, body strated to become sticky as the night crept closer. Mouse stood up and had a thought. He reared with glee. "Stella didn't say no! All I have to do s wait until she is ready!" He winnied his happiness and gallope toward the marigold field. He trotted softly, careful not to break them. He picked up a mouth full and galloped toward the satly ocean. He bucked and ran wildly. When the clumsy stallion got to the beach he saw her. He galloped over to the blue roan mare and winnied: " I'm sorry Stella! I know youre not ready, but I will wait as long as it takes!" The gleeful spotted stallion rose in the air. He felt like he was flying. He dropped the crumpled flowers at her feet. He look at her with patience in his eyes.
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 12:52 PM

Woodland Dream
Posts: 366
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Stella/ Mare/ M: Storm, Cloud, Mouse, Noda, Rowan
Stella looked un uneasily as the strangely patterned stallion [storm] walked out of the shallows and onto the wet sand. She saw him tense as he noticed the grey and white stallion [Cloud] standing nearby. Stella was starting to get nervous, her audits pinned, she looked back into the trees, where Mouse was. I wish he was here now, she thought, I need someone to be here for me in case anything goes wrong. She was also growing antsy at the thought of one of these tense stallions challenging the other. She looked for any other mares, she was slightly comforted to see the blood bay [Noda] not far off. Yet, she was distracted by the grey stallion [Rowan], and didn't seem to have noticed the events taking place. Stella swished her dark plumage nervously, waiting for someone to make the first move.
Cloud/ Stallion/ M: Stella, Mouse, Storm
Cloud tensed a little as the unique stallion [storm] greeted him timidly. He doesn't seem threatening, Cloud thought to himself. Audits perked, and flicking his plumage back and forth in anticipation, Cloud took another step towards the paint stallion.
Cloud then noticed the mare [stella] had pinned her audits and was looking back at where she had left the spotted stallion [mouse] nervously. She must be afraid of a fight, Cloud mused. Trying to keep his body posture comfident and proud, but not threatening, Cloud took another step forward and stretched out his neck to to take a tentative sniff at the unique stallion's [storm's] coat.
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 12:57 PM

Woodland Dream
Posts: 366
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Stella/ Mare/ M: Mouse, Storm, Cloud, Noda, Rowan
Seeing Mouse running toward her, Stella relaxed slightly. Nothing too bad can happen to me with him around, she told herself. When he dropped the flowers by her feet, she looked into his hazel orbs, seeing only patience and love in their warm depths. She didn't know what to say, but she was happy that he was her friend again. She gently touched her muzzle to his, then looked back towards the other horses [storm, cloud, noda, rowan].

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