
Noda | Mare| Single | M: Storm, Rowan, Open The blood bay was transfixed by the whirlwind of emotions that flowed through the chimera and she was completely thrown by the stud's (Storm) harsh words towards Cloud but a little smile crept on her muzzle none the less. 'I guess I was wrong' she told herself, almost wishing she hadn't jumped to conclusions so soon. However, as angry he was, she also couldn't help but notice his features perk and brighten at the mention of Sally by Roman. Why was she affected by this? She had known Storm and Sally were exploring something before she disappeared and the stud had made it pretty clear on her arrival that he showed any interest now nor in their past together, so why did this come to as much of a shock as it did? She did her best to mask any emotion seeping through her firm features, turning to Roman behind her to make sure he followed, catching his look, he nodded back to him. "This way," she ordred both studs. Noda slipped past the party on the beach and trotted quietly towards the cover of the forest. Her audits flexed back, counting the number of hoofbeats that trailed behind her. Once her body disappeared into the brush, she took off at a canter fast paced down the opposite way of the band (Stella, mouse, cloud, wonder). They traveled a great deal of land in a little amount of time, following the natural curve of the coast until it wrapped around to the part of ocean where the shore was mostly covered in saltbush and reeds. The waves had mellowed out to be almost as calm as a lake or stream as they gently lapped at the sand which was a bt muddier in texture than it had been a ways back. The wind still blew against them as it blasted from around the bend. Noda winced at the sand particles pelting her crusted coat, however the layer of marigolds protected her from most of the pain although she knew their healing properties would wear off soom enough. "This place is a lot calmer." Noda stated, taking a look around and then turned back to the two equines with her. "I know it isnt paradise, but I don't think they would want to come this far." She commented, hoping she would be right. Edited at May 2, 2020 12:12 AM by Arabian Heritage
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 Rowan followed Noda and storm from a short distance behind, he didn't want to intrude and was still not fully sure about trusting them. He always seemed to have a hard time trusting others. he stoped when they came before the beach, he stoped dead in his tracks and stood there shock and horror on his face, he looked at Noda and storm then back at there surroundings, he pulled in a shuddering breath trying to remember how to breath. His legs were threatening to buckle as he swayed slightly. He hurried and shook his head hoping that they didn't see his reaction. Rowan slowly remember how to work his legs as he moved forward in a walk, he walked over to the beach then turned left trying to see it was still there, sure enough he found himself walking along a rock wall when a cave entrance appeared. He let out a low chuckle amazed he remembered after this long. He turned and walked back toward Noda and storm trying not to look to horrified. Edited at May 2, 2020 12:37 AM by Midnight Eclipse

Stella/ Mare/ M: Mouse, Cloud, Wonder Seeing Mouse's playful antics, Stella's face broke into an amused smile. She trotted after him, splashing in the creek, sinking into the soft mud and sand at the bottom. She whinnied and reared a little, splashing Mouse's face. She noticed that his coat looked very sleek and glossy, as it was soaked. I probably look the same, she thought, smiling happily at Mouse. Her feathers dragged on her hooves as she moved them through the water, she had never been in water this deep before, it reached up to her belly. She didn't mind it though, the icy waters flowed around her like cool silk. She looked into Mouse's hazel orbs with her chocolate brown ones, smiling joyfully. She had never felt as close to any horse as she did to him in this moment. ----------------------------- Cloud/ Stallion/ M: Stella, Mouse, Wonder Seeing Stella and Mouse canter off to the stream nearby, Cloud wanted to use the chance to get to know the brindle mare [Wonder]. He shook out his mane and stood tall, trying to look impressive but not intimidating. He flicked his plumage as he took a step closer to the smaller horse [Wonder]. The sunlight gleamed off her coat, and her beautiful plumage flicked lazily as she grazed, a small dusting of yellow flowers groing around where she stood. She's got the looks, Cloud thought. He didn't need to get to know a mare, if she was pretty, that was enough for him. "Hello, I don't think I caught your name," Cloud began, sounding polite, "I'm Clouded Judgement, by the way." He looked into her orbs with his piercing blue gaze, "But a beautiful mare such as yourself can call me Cloud." he tried to keep his flirting a little subtler this time, hopefully he wouldn't wind up in another fight. He chuckled at the thought, but his throbbing leg seemed to want to remind him what could happen, as it started to burn a little right after he chuckled. Edited at May 2, 2020 01:00 AM by Woodland Dream
Mouse| Stallion| Single| M:Stella Mouse couldn't help but smile at Stella's cute playing. He ran around the creek like a colt. Jumping and weaving in between invisible lines. He galloped straight to Stella. Not looking like was planning on stopping. But he skidded to a halt right in front of her. His face and her face only a couple inches from eachother. 'I think I love her'. He thought to himself. He nipped her soft muzzle, romantically. He licked his lips with contentment. He sat on the river and started to roll. Mouse looked straight into her brown orbs, and sighs. With the sun hitting them just right, her orbs looked like pools of golden honey. He shook off the excess water still sticking to his soaken white coat.
Wonder|Mare|Single|5| M: Cloud Wonder perks her head up and blushes. " you think i'm..." She echos out. Too shy to finish the sentence. " Im WonderLand. But you can call me Wonder." 'his eyes are just like mine!' She thought to herself. " I have never met somone with the same color eyes as me. She looks deeply in his orbs, getting lost in the conversation. " You aren't that bad looking either." She esclaims. Her plumage hitting herself in the flank. She goes to eat grass and comes back up. " you better not think im just gonna fall for you right? Youre rude and inconsiderate. If you really want to claim me, you gotta show me you're worth it. " She puts he head back down to eat. Knowing perfectly that he better not act up anymore.

Stella/Mare/M: Mouse Stella is caught up in splashing around in the stream. Her eyes widen slightly as Mouse nips her muzzle. She ducks her head and smiles, then looks back up to watch Mouse rolling in the cool water. As he stops to look into her warm brown orbs, she looks back into his hazel eyes. She could see a mix of emotions in them, like small fish swiming through murky water. She was confused by what she saw there, so she looked away and pulled a reed off the bank of the stream. She chewed it quickly then layed down in the water, keeping her head up so it stayed out of the gentle current. Stella then stood back up and shook out her coat violently, throwing some of the droplets onto Mouse. Looking at him, she smiled playfully. "I've never played in water before," she admits, "I don't really know how it works..." she quickly swishes her plumage at Mouse, throwing a shower of water onto his back. She smiles innocently, "Who knew that water could be thrown like that?" -------------------------------- Cloud/ Stallion/ M: Wonder Cloud looked at Wonder with a charming smile as she blushed. "Wonder, that's a pretty name," he said, looking into her beautiful blue eyes with his piercing gaze. He took in her beautiful sandy coat with it's black brindle. Not just her name's pretty, he thought, once again. "I sure hope I'm not bad looking," he said, throwing her another winning smile. At her words, his ears perked slightly. Not just gonna fall for me? he thought, a little frustrated. Ugh, why do mares these days have to get to know a stallion to like him? he thought. My mother took one look at my father, thought "he looks pretty strong," and joined his herd in an instant. Cloud wished he could have been a stallion back when mares would only judge him based on his muscle and smarts. It's so hard nowadays, he thougth begrudgingly. While he thought this, he made sure his charming smile remained in tact, it only grew slightly smaller. He smirked at her, "That sounds like a challenge," he said, "and I'm good at those." Perhaps there was hope yet that he could earn her admiration, he had no interest in love. (Hint* for a mare to gain his love, she's going to have to push him, and make him see that love is worthwhile.)

 Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia He could hear the desperation in her voice and how she didn't want him to get hurt and it made his heart swell, even though he wasn't looking forward to the impending fight he was going to have with Val. "I want you to be safe...I need you to be safe. I can't lose you, and I want to make sure Diego makes it safely as well." Areus sighed as he felt her muzzle press against his own, his tail lashing out anxiously. He could feel the nausea deep in his gut, and from Taleia's reaction, Val was going to fight to the death. What if he died? What if he couldn't protect Tal like he wanted to, to make sure she found happiness with him? All he was worried for was her safety. "Tal...I love you. I can't let anything happen to you, okay? I can't lose you..." The painted stallion paused, and for a moment, he swiveled his angular head to peer at the mouth of the cave. Something had scuffled outside of the cave, and it made every hair on his fuzzy coat stand on end. His ears pinned flat against his head and Areus moved his stocky body to stand protectively in front of Taleia, straightening himself to stand at his full height.

Taleia l Mare l Single l Mentions: Areus, Open Taleia softly offered the large paint her orbs full of tears just waiting to leave the painful cave of her eyes barrier. ' ' ' Areus but i don't want to lose you.. ' ' ' She softly whimpered, her voice seeming to reach a high tone as she spat it out for Areus audits to pick at her feelings of choice. Lashing her thick plumage out to slap down to the dirty ground once more, she slid her muzzle off of his, only to slowly move down his neck, inhaling the delightful scent that the stallion owner for if Val came in the next few minutes and Areus was to leave herself once and for all. This would be the last moments that Taleia would get to tresue and keep safe in her heart forever, no matter how old she got.
A soft shiver was to run down her bony white spine hearing the words from the stallion escaped his rosy pink muzzle, that she might no longer rub hers against. Frozen in a bit of happiness from the choice of words the paint expressed. ' ' ' Areus, i love you to.. ' ' ' Those were the only words that lingered from the mare before she was very well caught up in the tension someone was out there. ' ' ' Areus?? ' ' ' She whimpered once more, for this might be the last time that Taleia even saw the beauty of the stallion, and if she did ever see him again after Val had concerned of himself, it would be to the flesh bone.
 Diego l Colt l Mentions: Areus, Taleia
A small colt by the name of Diego softly was rumbling his way in a near by bush, that seemed to come across a small rocky cave. ' ' ' Maybe mommy is here! ' ' ' The silky coated colt yipped in happiness for he had missed Taleia dearly and he really wanted to see her again. Val and him had been looking for her for ages it seemed to be now, and it seemed to was no where to be found. But as he stepped a hoof into the entrance of the cave he could quickly hear his hooves clatter against the hard stony ground. Large hues softly drifted inwards and found a large bulky stallion, that was a sure large paint seeming to be standing in front of a small brindle mare. But Diego seemed to know this mare, wait it was ' ' ' Mommy! How dare you touch my mommy! ' ' ' The colt shreaked the stubborn tone of his bouncing from the walls of the stony gray cave all the way down to both of the other equines audits. The colt quickly bolted into the cave and into the paints large chest, he was trying to show off dominance and get his mother back for once and for all
Edited at May 2, 2020 05:17 PM by Cando Farm

(Omg Cando, Diego is absolutely ADORABLE <3 My heart D;)  Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia "I've got you, Tal. I won't let him hurt you." Areus murmured soothingly to the sweet mare, whinnying a challenge to the shadow that appeared at the cave entrance...Only to realize the shadow darting towards him was much smaller than a stallion and a lot quicker than one. It was Diego, and Areus found himself relaxing only to gasp when the colt didn't stop. He rammed right into his broad chest and bounced off like a ping pong ball, causing the stallion to gasp in shock and take a step back. "D-Diego? You're Diego...right?" The stallion blinked before lowering his head towards the tiny colt, trying to show that he wasn't going to harm him, nor his mommy. Diego was cute, painted beautiful, and he could see the resemblance he held towards Taleia. "I won't harm you or your mommy, okay? Your mommy and I are friends. I was lonely and your mommy kept me company." With a soft snort, he lightly nosed Diego's cheek, trying to make sure he knew that he was a friend. "It's nice to meet you...my name is Areus."

Thankys! My 1-7 RO baby ) )  Taleia l Mare l Mentions: Areus, Diego
Taleia's hues squinted at the black figure at the end of the cave that Areus seemed to be so focused into. It was an offal small equine in her opinion. But Areus might as well have said the same thing along with herself. But as the colt seemed to scream out the name her young colt used to call her it made her more aware. Then it came into clear view, a very detailed colt and a very soft and sweet voice that raised itself into a stubborn tone that didn't seem to belong to the animal.
' ' ' Diego? ' ' ' Taleia softly whimpered looking at the colt that rushed into Areus at such speed. 'Seeing the colt take much attention to the small brindle mare that laid across the dried leaves. Feeling the colt rub his silky coat up against Taleia's side once more comforted her, but the mention of Val made her shoot back from it.

Diego l Colt l Mentions: Areus, Taleia
The small colt found himself to bounce off of the large paint, and his hues quickly traveled up onto Areus's. Showing him an unwelcoming and very stubborn look into his, ' ' ' How do you knoe my name! ' '' He growled as he peaked over the broad shoulder of the paint's finding his mother laying and seeming helpless behind him. Diego quickly snorted and shot Areus a dirty look feeling the stallions nose rub against his cheek. ignoring everything that had just happened to himself, for his mind got back onto the main point. He was there to save his mother from this paint. Quickly bouncing around the paint to get back onto his mother, softly nuzzling his head under Taleia, for Diego was not whined yet, he had and was forced to eat grass due to his mothers disappearance. And began to suck onto her milk, ' ' ' Daddy will come and take this stallion away mommy, don't worry ' ' ' He softly nuzzled up onto her mothers also swallow stomach that she seemed to be hiding muchly