Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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Wed 11:31pm  
Stables Online:  61 
Eagles Peak
Take a look, will sell for good price. Will FR on RO. -HEE Click-
10:56:48 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-

Offering ONE horse avi for 700k, pm me to claim <3
MC Ace
10:43:30 McFossil
Brindle filly for sale

-HEE Click-
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:34:09 TB's ONLY ✨
new horse adopt pop up
closes in three weeks so get them while they're here! Headshots are 5k and full bodies are 8k!
-HEE Click-
Grimm Acres
10:25:37 Grimmi
-HEE Click- Offering up an embryo to this WWE Amber creme TB mare for next RO has produced a WWW and multiple WWE combo foals already
Rocking Horse Farm.
10:12:43 Savannah
-HEE Click-

selling out, plz buy! Got some EEE+
Hot 2 Trot
09:55:46 PON Champ
Only 7k for a EEE mare! Paid 10k 3k off email
-HEE Click-
Daesung Wings
09:53:29 Dae
189|WWW WB Freshie
Chocolate Palomino Sabino (gene tested)
#19 ABLB X Maiden
~ All up wk4/8, hrt wk7
~ Req. WEE+ combos
~ Free straws for WWE combos!
~ Straw price is 10k

-HEE Click-

Midnight Manors
09:51:31 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
09:50:02 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Tobi Draft Foal painting at auction! Ends tomorrow.

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Eagles Peak
Take a look, will sell for good price. Will FR on RO. -HEE Click-
10:56:48 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-

Offering ONE horse avi for 700k, pm me to claim <3
MC Ace
10:43:30 McFossil
Brindle filly for sale

-HEE Click-
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:34:09 TB's ONLY ✨
new horse adopt pop up
closes in three weeks so get them while they're here! Headshots are 5k and full bodies are 8k!
-HEE Click-
Grimm Acres
10:25:37 Grimmi
-HEE Click- Offering up an embryo to this WWE Amber creme TB mare for next RO has produced a WWW and multiple WWE combo foals already
Rocking Horse Farm.
10:12:43 Savannah
-HEE Click-

selling out, plz buy! Got some EEE+
Hot 2 Trot
09:55:46 PON Champ
Only 7k for a EEE mare! Paid 10k 3k off email
-HEE Click-
Daesung Wings
09:53:29 Dae
189|WWW WB Freshie
Chocolate Palomino Sabino (gene tested)
#19 ABLB X Maiden
~ All up wk4/8, hrt wk7
~ Req. WEE+ combos
~ Free straws for WWE combos!
~ Straw price is 10k

-HEE Click-

Midnight Manors
09:51:31 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
09:50:02 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Tobi Draft Foal painting at auction! Ends tomorrow.

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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Foal herd RP! June 1, 2024 07:56 PM

Posts: 2092
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Willow raised her head and looked over at a new horse, a colt. She tilted her head and walked over curiously "Um.. Hello" She greeted in a shy manner looking at Lismore to see what he'd say, she looked back at the seal colt, a smile began to grow on her face at what he said "Hurt anyone? You don't look like you could hurt anyone" She said slightly confused before asking "I don't remember you from the adults herd... You're not from this foal herd either, are you?" She asked flicking a ear.
She looked back at the others before answering his question "Well, that pinto filly over there is Oak, that smaller brindle pinto filly is Sapphire, my younger sister, that's Lismore. Our lead colt, (Let's pretend Willow named the rest of the herd lol), And I'm Willow!" She said happily turning sideways to show him her brindle patched coat than straightening up again "We ran away from our herd. Too many rules and all our parents are WAAAY too bossy" She said rolling her eyes "So now we're a foal herd!" She chirped excitedly. She waited a moment before shaking her head "You're not intruding! Lis says the more the merrier! Right?" She asked the lead colt before looked at the new colt "No, you should stay, I'm sure Lis will let you. He's nice! What is your name?" She asked, her back hoof stomping to shoo away a fly
Foal herd RP! June 1, 2024 08:12 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12337
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Almanzo ducked his head when the filly seemed confused- of course she was, he just showed up without a word. Swishing his frosted tail against his rump, he cocked a back Hoof, lifting his head slightly as she spoke. "Oh- I didn't mean it that way- I just..." He trailed off and made a face. "I dunno what I meant." He finally ended, then shook his head. "I'm not from either herd. I ran away from my herd when my dad- a horrible stallion- killed my mom for trying to protect me..." He shuddered before shaking his head. "Gah, sorry for bothering you with that." He perked his ears towards the other foals, greeting them with a head nod and a smile before turning his attention back to the filly. "Nice to meet you, Willow! I'm Almanzo- and if you'll let me stay, I'd love to! Almanzo is a REALLY long name to say, so just call me Tex- I like it better anyway." He chirped, grinning as Willow said he'd probably be able to stay.
Foal herd RP! June 1, 2024 08:24 PM

Posts: 2092
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Willow's ear pinned when Almanzo said his own father.. Killed his mother "But... Why would he do that to someone? Especially your mom? Shouldn't he love her? And you too?- Oh nevermind... I'm sorry to hear that, and ignore my dumb questions." She said shaking her head at her own careless stupidity she took a small step back to shift her weight "No no it doesn't bother me... That much" she mumbled the last two words to herself, she smiled when he greeted the others, her tail almost wagging at the thought of a new foal joining the herd.
She smirked "Almanzo? That IS long but cool!" Her eyes lighting up at his next words "Tex is even cooler! I like that name too!" She squeaked happily "Sorry I'm so over board, I'm just excited to meet new foals to play with and hang out with you know" She explained herself, she giggled and shook her head before nodding "Well I'm not the one who decides, I'm just a herd member! Lismore is the leader! There isn't a lead filly yet, but Lismore said when we're a little older he'll eventually choose one of us to be lead filly! That's going to be so exciting! But he said he won't choose now because he wants to be like his parents whatever that means?" She explained before glancing at Almanzo with another smile "Just ask, I'm sure he'll love to have you around just like the rest of us!" She suggested before turning and walking back to the patch of grass she was eating before
Foal herd RP! June 1, 2024 08:28 PM

Posts: 2092
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(Adding a new character because I'm so excited! And why not)
Name: Isabella
Age: 8 months
Gender: Filly
Personality: kind, quiet, friendly, caring towards her friends, easy to scare, hot headed (when needed)
Height: 10hh
Crush: Stone (It grows as the rp progresses)
Isabella went into the small cave and drunk some water than munched on the sage "Wow I like the taste of this!" She enthused to Oak, she giggled at how thirsty Willow was when she went in, than looked at the new colt. She watched him carefully, once she had enough staring at them she went back to chewing on the sage before eating some berries

Edited at August 7, 2024 11:05 PM by Hyrule_Stables
Foal herd RP! June 1, 2024 09:15 PM

Posts: 2092
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(Okay I can't help it I'm making a new character with one of my new foals!)
Name: Starlight
Age: 11 months
Gender: Filly
Personality: Outgoing, jokester, harder to scare, friendly to all, heavily sarcastic
Height: 13hh
Starlight waited her turn to drink, her gaze on Oak as she spoke about the sage and berries, than her gaze followed Willow as she walked a little out of the herd to see a new foal. Not wanting to miss out Starlight trotted out to meet the new colt, once Willow went back to eating Starlight approached him "Hello! I'm Starlight! What's your name? Are you joining our herd?" She asked looking him up and down "I like your coat! Neat" She said flicking her small black mane to the other side as she side stepped so that he could see the spring cave "Want some water? Before it's all gone" She asked, a hint of sarcasm at the end

Edited at June 1, 2024 09:20 PM by Hyrule_Stables
Foal herd RP! June 1, 2024 09:46 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12337
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Tex shook his head. "He was cruel and abusive- but that doesn't matter! I got away, and you all have been nice enough to at least let me stay a couple minutes-" He stopped as she mentioned his name, and grinned widely. "It's unique." He laughed, then tossed his head. "I love your name, though. Willow- so pretty! I've always loved those trees." He chirped innocently, then nodded. "I like Tex much better. And I get being overboard" He chuckled. "I'm usually overboard. A lot. Just not feeling the best right now." He glanced at the wounds, winced, and brightened again. "Well I hope Lismore welcomes me!" Tex flicked his wavy tail, deciding to ask in a couple seconds. He was about to go over to the colt when another filly approached. "Hi! Nice to meet you Starlight- I really like that name! It's unique and pretty- I'm Almanzo, but you can call me Tex. I'm hoping to, but I have to talk to Lismore." He answered with a wide smile, then brightened even more, practically glowing. "Thanks! I like yours too! The white speckles are SUPER cool!" He exclaimed, glancing at the water. "Riiiight. I'd better get it quick." He snorted, matching her level of sarcasm before accepting the offer with a vigorous nod, going to drink, feeling much more refreshed.
Foal herd RP! June 1, 2024 10:20 PM

Posts: 2092
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Willow smiled and tilted her head "Aww thanks! I think it's a average name though, but now that you said it is like the Willow trees I think I like it a lot more now" she said pawing the ground (before she left lol)
________ Starlight
She grinned you like my speckles? Thanks! They're what makes me stand out other than my fishing rod of a personality!" She joked. Her face lit up when he accepted to go drink some water with his own sarcasm "Hmm nicely done. I like you already! I think you'll fit in with us just fine" She gave him the words of confidence as she walked him over to the cave "If you need me I'll be annoying the other fillies" She said hyperly as she reared, spun on her back heals and charged at Isabella and Oak "AaahIiiiii'm gonna getcha!" She yelled to the two as she playfully nipped Isabella's rump, causing the poor filly to bunny hop forward into the sage bush, Starlight than glared at Oak "Come here you're next!" She challenged chasing Oak around.
______ Isabella
The filly fell into the bush getting a little stuck "Oooow Starlight! Be more careful!" She growled trying to sound as angry as she could, it took a moment but Isabella managed to wriggle her way out of the bush with a few minor scratches "Aww my coats ruined...." She mumbled sadly, her sad face turning furious as it moved from her side to Starlight"Get back here! You're gonna pay for that!" She yelled taking off after her.
Starlight giggled and galloped off "Nope! Gonna have to catch me first " She bellowed back
__________ Willow
She had filled herself up with food and water and didn't want anymore, but she knew that she had to for the winter. She watched Starlight's crazy antics of pushing Isabella into the bush and chasing Oak with a chuckle, she wanted to play with them but instead continued eating
Foal herd RP! June 1, 2024 10:37 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12337
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Tex nodded virgously. "Of course! They do add character- just like your personality." He grinned, then flicked his tail, looking rather joyous. "Thanks! I'm glad I finally found someone with a joking personality like me." He joked with a wide smile, then laughed. "Have fun." He said before finishing drinking. He then walked over to Lismore. "Hey.. I was told I needed to ask you before I joined the foal herd?" He inquired, tilting his head, his blue eye shining.
Foal herd RP! June 1, 2024 10:43 PM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2143
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(Sky mole berries are really sweet)
Oak let go of the branch wincing as it whacked her nose before she started pulling shrubs out with f the ground and eating them
Foal herd RP! June 1, 2024 10:45 PM

Posts: 2092
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(yay Ghost your here! I've missed y'all since I ACTUALLY got sleep last night pfft)

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