
Caleb listened "the names Caleb miss" he said. Whiskey was happy caleb had another friend after his old one (what happened will be revealed) "the cabin isn't anything fancy. It's run down but warm" he explained

Lily smiled kindly "Caleb? That's a nice name, suits you well!" She said softly looking around for any guards or people. She looked at him again and listened as he explained what his cabin was like, she hesitated for a moment, not wanting to seem rude or ungrateful she nodded "Sounds perfect! As long as it's warm right?" She said enthusiastically, tightening her grip to avoid bouncing on Whiskey

(I have returned O-O lol) Isabelle wisteled, and river came cantering out of an ally, and trotted up to her, she mounted him, then turned to the two, "Ok, just as long as were back before sundown, or i'll lose my job, and you'll be in HUGE trouble." Her face fell slightly, "That i'll be blamed for." She shook her head, and followed the two behind wiskey. She became skeptical when caleb sugjested going to his cabin, so she answered for lily, "Only if I stay with her the whole time." Isabelle secretly kept her hand hidden, but placed ontop of a lasso attached to her saddle, "Just in case...." She thought, then turned to lily, "Your dress is stained." She felt a wave of anxiaty, "If the king sees her clothes spoiled, i'll be responsible, he has all the power, and i have none." She staired at lily while thinking, then came back to reality and turned to caleb, "Sooo, where you from?"

(Welcome back! O.O) Lily looked at Isabelle then down at her dress "Oh... It must've happened when you bumped me over.." She said looking back at Isabelle, she felt sorrow for the guard and shook her head "I can try and get it cleaned... Problem is i didn't plan on disappearing for the evening so this is all i have to wear... Perhaps i could sneak it into the castle and get a maid to clean it?" She asked

Caleb listened. "Ok" they arrived at his cabin and Caleb dismounted before helping lily down. "Just head inside the fire should be going" he said before he went and untacked whiskey before tugging him up and putting him in the small pasture. He then knew he had to get working on expanding the pasture and fixing it up.

Lily smiled when she got off the horse "Thank you for helping me down Caleb, and letting us come to your cabin" She said before turning to Isabelle "Come Isabelle, it's a little cold out here.." Lily signaled for the girl to follow as she went inside. She sat in front of the fire and gazed around, the place wasn't as bad as Lily thought, she thought it was safe and warm

Caleb started to work on the fence and pasture for whiskey. He soon got hit and took his shirt off. He thought the girls would stay inside. He got the outer fence up and had to take the old fence down

Lily sat infront of the fire with Isabelle, she looked at her "Are you hungry? I am... A little, i should go ask Caleb if he has anything we could eat" She said moving her long brown hair from her side to her back and getting up, Lily walked outside to find Caleb. She saw Caleb and went to approach, but quickly realized he'd taken off his shirt. Not sure what to say plus being a little flustered Lily quickly retreated and quietly ran back inside, she stopped next to the female guard, staring at the flames looking half traumatized as she leaned back against a wooden pole and slid down, her cheeks a bright red "Umm... I'll just wait" She squeaked "It's uh, hot outside, i'm a little hot from the sun..." She muttered shaking her head (Lolololol)

Caleb soon finished taking down the fence and watched as whiskey galloped the edge of the new fence. Caleb put his shirt back on and went inside. He went to the pantry and got out some venison. "You guys eat venison?" He asked. He'd cook it outside on a camp fire when it cooled off outside. "For now there's some crackers in the pantry.

Lily heard Caleb's question about the food, she'd fully recovered from accidentally seeing him before, she stood up and dusted herself off before looking at Caleb "Venison? Yes, that's... Deer, right?" Lily asked, she wasn't too good on names of meat for she never had to cook, so she hoped she got it right. She followed him to the door and watched him get the Venison cooking on the campfire, her face lit up when he said there was crackers they could eat "Ok, thank you!" She said hastily heading back in, she wondered how worried Aesira was, but the thought fled her mind as she found the crackers, she brought them to the table and looked at Isabelle "Want some?" Lily asked before taking a bite Edited at September 19, 2024 07:00 AM by Hyrule_Stables