
Taleia l Mare l Mentions: Areus, Valentino Taleia quickly caught the sight of the large stallion's paint stallion orbs. It worried her very much she loved that stud and really didn't wanna risk her life to be with him. Just seeing him would make her smile and she would be okay with that even if they were just friends, but she really didn't want to lose the stallion that dearly cared for herself. Even though she never understood his feelings for herself she sure did respect them and that she would adore for as long as she lived. ' ' ' I love you Areus... ' ' ' The mare softly mouth mumbled to the paint. Before burying her soft touched face in the little colt besides herself.

Valentino l Stallion l Mentions: Areus
Val's audits perked forwards to Areus. Looking deep into his hues seeming to get into his mind. ' ' ' Fine, and if i win you will never touch or see my colt nor my mate again you hear me! ' ' ' The large chimera scolded as he lashed his large plumage out the back of himself. Body towering over the seemingly young small paint stallion compared to his old and strongly built figure.
Feeling the medium sized stallion lunge his full weight onto his body he could smell Taleia all over him, even her soft licks of her muzzle. Quickly lashing back around, rump. Pushing out a large buck to the stallion

 Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia, Valentino Areus squealed in pain as Val's hooves slammed into his shoulder, causing the smaller stallion to jerk away. Val was strong, a lot stronger than Areus had anticipated. Not only that, but he was a lot bigger than he was and all he could do was hope that he could win this battle and free Taleia from her painful relationship with the chimera male. If he took any more powerful hits like he just did, the paint would be done for. Wheeling around on his hind legs, Areus reared and lashed out at Val before snaking his head forward, sinking his teeth into Val's withers and throwing all of his weight into pushing his rival back. He grunted with the effort, hooves slipping against the foliage beneath him. No wonder Taleia couldn't get away from him...she physically couldn't. With his size, his power, his intimidation, it was a wonder how she got away in the first place. I need to protect Tal...even if Val kills me, I need to make sure she's safe and happy. I'm going to free her no matter the cost.

Stella/ Mare/ M: Mouse, Taleila, Areus, Valentino, Diego Sounds of a fight start coming from the cave that Stella is standing in front of. She can smell a fear scent. The scents of four different horses [Taleila, Areus, Valentino, Diego] are coming from within. She steps back, pinning her audits against her neck and swishing her plumage nervously. She looks back at Mouse as the drizzle turns to a light rain.
Mouse| Stallion| M: Stella " I don't know Stella, we can't go in. There is a foal in there and might possibly be a fight. We can't. We have to go somewhere else." Mouse trots off a far way from the den. Mouse's mane and tail are starting to stick to him, making him uncomfortable. " I see a overhang!" He trots over to a overhang rock from a cliff above. As he goes under the overhang, he realizes there is barely enough room for two horses. He sticks his butt out so Stella can be fully under the rock. " At least we were already wet"

Stella/ Mare/ M: Mouse Stella hesistates only a moment before following Mouse over to a nearby overhang, she was scared of going into the cave anyway. Once she's under the rock, she shakes out her coat, but it makes little difference. He feathers cling to her hooves, and she lowers her head to lick her front feathers dry. She notices that Mouse isn't all the way under the overhang, so she scoots as close to him as she can, trying to have as much of him covered as possible. She starts to groom his mane, squeezing the water out of it and making it much dryer. She flicks her sodden plumage, which is dripping a small puddle onto the ground. She looks up at the cloudy sky, which had been crystal clear while they were crossing river, seemingly only moments ago. She shivered slightly, but Mouse's warm hide pressed against hers keeps the cold from biting too sharply. "Well, while we're stuck here..." Stella begins, "How about you tell me more about your old herd?" She hopes he is willing to tell her, and that she hasn't offended him with this bold question.
Mouse| Stallion| M: Stella Mouse appreciates her grooming him dry. He has to comprehend the question. " Well, I was born into a 20-horse herd. All of the mares were pregnant by my father. When I was born, I was the only one with my coat color. Every other foal made fun of me. My mother had few spots but my father was black and bay. I guess I got all of my mother's mother's colors. Soon after I was born, my father was chased off by a stronger grey stallion. I grew up with him. After that, I just grew up a normal horse"

Stella/ Mare/ M: Mouse Stella pauses in her grooming, It's sad that he didn't get to grow up with his father as the lead, she thinks. She looks into his hazel orbs with her warm brown gaze, "They were just jealous of your beautiful spots," she tells him. "I think your coat is perfect." She continues to groom him, thinking more about what he just told her. "I was the only one in my herd with feathers," she tells him. "I don't know where I got them from, neither of my parents had them, so maybe my grandparents?" she mulls it over as she stops grooming him, his mane now almost completely dry. "Of course, though, didn't get bullied for it," she says, blushing embarassedly at her awkward comment. "My colt had feathers," she says, remembering the way he had slightly longer fur around his hooves. "They hadn't grown in all the way," she tells him, "but I'm sure they would've made him look even more handome once they had." she looks sadly down at her feathers, staring at the dark fur covering the black hooves underneath. She lays down, her legs suddenly weary. She stares up at Mouse, inviting him to lay down next to her, hoping that his comforting presence will ease the pain that has come from recalling memories of her colt.
Mouse| Stallion| M:Stella Mouse lays down to warm her body and to comfort her. "I know this might not be the time to say it, but lets have some foals. Your colt would've wanted you to keep the legacy on" He lean his head on her back looking up into her brown orbs. "I love your feathers, I think they are beautiful. Plus, I wonder what coat our folas with have." He smiled up to her.

(@frappe- should we fast-forward a little bit, to when she is about 11 months pregnant? I'm excited at the thought of introducing their foal into the rp. It's fine if you don't want to tho.) Stella smiles shyly at Mouse's comforting gaze. She looks into his beautiful hazel orbs, blushing slightly at the thought of having a foal with him. "It's the perfect time," she tells him with a smile, "We are stuck her until the rain lets up, so let's make the most of it. I would like very much to have a foal with you," she tells him earnestly. "And, honestly, I believe my colt would have loved for me to move on." She thinks for a moment before saying, "having a foal will definitely help me move away from the shadows of my past, and who better to help me along than you?" she says. She presses her muzzle to his velvety nose, taking in his defining scent. She can't wait to start a family with him, he is kind, protective, loving, and thoughtful. He will be the perfect father.
(sure :D Do you actually want to breed your mare with Mouse sow e can get a picture fo the rp? I can act out the foal)