
 Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia, Diego Taleia was having another foal...? Areus pulled back for a moment, stunned before he released a shaky sigh. There was nothing he could do but support his new mate, help her raise this foal just like he promised he would raise Diego as his own. There was a tiny pang of disappointment that pierced his heart, one that made him wish he had a foal of his own flesh and blood, but Taleia and her foals were more important than this desire. He had a family to take care of, no matter who their father was. They would be his offspring. "That's alright...We'll get through this together, okay? I already promised you once that I would take care of them, and I won't ever break my promise to you." A sweet smile tugged at the corners of the painted stallion's lips as he returned the gentle nuzzle to his cheek, lightly licking the tip of Taleia's velvety nose. This was the beginnings of his own herd...and he couldn't be more thrilled. "I love you and Diego, Tal..."

Stella/ Mare/ M: Mouse, Willy, Bell Stella looked on proudly as Mouse licked Willy. She then turned to Bell and started licking her mane and neck roughly, trying to warm her up and make her stand. Stella knew how important it was for a foal to get milk as soon as they were born. She nudged Bell's side gently, pushing the small filly to stand.  Bell/ Filly/ M: Mouse [Dad], Stella [Mom], Willy Bell opened her eyes at the feeling of a warm object roughly rubbing against her neck and mane. She lifter her head and shook it, her small ears hitting the sides of her miniature neck. She was starting to feel a little bit hungry, but she was struggling to get her barings in this new world of cold temperatures, light, and sound. She looked up at the thing licking her, she saw a bluish grey horse [Stella]. That must be Mom, she told herself. She struggled to stand up, but her knobby legs shook under her weight and she fell. Bell repeated this several times before she finally stood up, rising to her full 16 inches (4hh). Mom hadn't stopped licking her. She stepped away from Mom a little bit and went to sniff at the brownish blob [Willy] lying next to her. It kind of smelled like Mom. She looked past the brownish blob to see a large spotted horse towering above her. Who is that? she asked, a little bit alarmed at first. It's probably just Dad, she said, calming down. she walked over to Mom and nuzzled into her belly, starting to suckle. Edited at May 7, 2020 03:55 PM by Woodland Dream

Poor Areus!  Taleia l Mare l Mentions: Areus, Diego
Taleia's large hues quickly softened if they weren't at the point where they couldn't no more. Feeling Areus pull away from her felt just like a stabbing pain of hunt in the heart for she defiantly new the stud was for sure shocked that he had found out that she was pregnant and this far down the line also. Leaning deeper into the stud she softly began to whisper ' ' ' I promise Areus, I promise ' ' ' The soft cooed words came out not completely sure if the stud knew what the mare was talking about once so ever. ' ' ' I know Areus, and thats why your mine... ' ' ' Taleia said, and she surely meant every single word she drew out. And also knowing that Diego and herself were safe with the large paint was the best feeling of all...

(Omg haha, it's okay XD He loves Taleia so)  Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia, Diego The painted stallion didn't know why Taleia whispered a promise to him, but all he did was simply press closer to the tiny mare, squeezing his eyes shut. Oh how he loved this mare...He could feel a sense of completeness, the hole in his heart filled. For once, Areus had hope for his future with his new family, and he couldn't wait to see where it took them, what their future held. "Tal, when did you find out you were pregnant?" Areus murmured quietly into Taleia's ear, nibbling lightly at the appendage before sighing to himself. His kind gaze shifted over to Diego where the colt lay and he reached his nose out to playfully nip at the colt's cheek. "I promise I'll take you out soon. We'll find a new home, somewhere safe where we can raise you, Diego."

Taleia l Mare l Mentions: Areus, Diego, Open
The large brindle mare sighed as her small plumage lashed over the back of the paint in relaxation, for Areus was much of a comfort towards the mare and she liked to use him for herself a lot. ' ' ' A while now.. ' ' ' Taleia softly cooed into the audits eardrums of the handsome paint. ' ' ' I was just nervous to tell you about it ' ' ' The mare said nipping him back onto his rosy colored muzzle that she loved to touch for some strange reason but all she knew is for that it was a good reason. Diego l Colt l Mentions: Areus, Taleia, Open
Diego watched his dam and now who he would have to call his sire talk to each other about the new foal that was assuming to be on its way, and Diego was happy for he wouldn't wait to have a little brother or sitter to take care of and show them the real way of nature! It would be so exciting in his opinion, and for that he just couldn't wait, But Diego quickly snapped out of the thought as Areus nipped at his cheek, for he wasn't paying attention to one word that the stud had shredded for his audits to pick up. ' ' ' Okay daddy... ' ' ' He smirked still not sure of what the equine actually said but

Storm| Male age 3| Single|M: Rowan
The shy stallion peered over to Rowan as he made his way back up the rocky hill and towards him, audits flicked as blue orbs softly looked around, where had Noda gone? Maybe she went into the merky woods when he didn't notice, sighing he knew she would return, plumage flicked as he watched the grey stallion head over to a pacth of grass, his frame turned looking back to where his home was, audits pinned sadly as he paced down the rocky hill, little pebbles slipping underneath him with each step before his hooves come in contact with the squish wet mudded sand that soon caked his hooves. Souring his face at the weird feeling as the cool muck cooled his fogs, he walked through it and stood at the base of the calm sea waters, blue orbs locking to it as he watched his reflection in the waters, sighing once more to himself. Edited at May 8, 2020 10:14 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Mouse| Stallion| M: Stella, Willy, Bell Mouse slowly nudged Willy towards the teet so he could suckle. Mouse kept on pushing even though Willy was stubborn. " You're a stubborn thing" Mouse said while chuckling.
Willy| Colt| M: Stella, Mouse, Bell Willy felt a force pushing him towards his mother. On instinct he pushed back. He looked over and saw it was dad pushing him. Willy slowly got up and ran into Mouse, falling on top of him. Willy slowly got back up and ran towards his sister and mother. He fell on top of his sister. He slowly got up, and he saw what his sister was doing and did it too. Softly starting to suckle.

Stella/ Mare/ M: Mouse, Willy, Bell After a little while, Stella's legs started to hurt. She had just given birth to twins, after all, and she deserved a nap. Stella swished her tail and walked away from the foals and Mouse, but felt two small bodies following closely behind her. She made sure that she could see them out of the corner of her eye as she walked to the shade of a nearby tree. The creek ran through the tree's shadow, so Stella dipped her muzzle in to take a cooling sip. She then lied down in the shallow water and dipped her head under, so she was all the way wet. Standing up, Stella shook out her damp fur and went to lie in the cool grass underneath the tree's shadow. The warm day had been bad weather for giving birth, but the stream had cooled her down. Resting her head on the ground, she felt a foal lying down next to her, she looked to see Bell. Stella saw Willy still standing looking at her, maybe a little confused. Stella nickered to him, "Come on, Willy. Let's get some sleep." She waited patiently for him to lie down, her eyes taking on a soft expression as she looked at her little foal. Bell/ Filly/ M: Willy, Mouse, Stella Bell gave the other foal {Willy} a confused look as he fell into her. After a while, Bell felt Mom {Stella} move away. She was taken by surprise, but licked the remaining milk off her muzzle and followed suit. Bell briefly looked back at Dad {Mouse}, but quickly continued after Mom. Bell felt the strange foal {Willy} walking beside her as they followed Mom. She looked on, confused, as her mother rolled around in a strange substance. Bell dipped her muzzle into it, but quickly pulled it back. Boy was that stuff cold! She shook out her tiny mane and went to lie down next to her damp mother in the soft grass. Even though her mother was wet, her mother's body warmth kept Bell from getting cold. Bell could tell that Mom wanted the other foal to lie with them, but why did Mom care about the strange foal? Bell had absolutely no idea.
Mouse| Stallion| M: Stella, Willy, Bell Mouse looked up and stretched his neck out long to see both the foals following his mother to the creek. He later down and was happy to a a dad. For the first time. He is genuinely happy.
Willy| Colt| M: Stella, Mouse, Bell Willy slowly walked to the destination with his mother and what he supposed his sister. He was still licking his lips from the milk. He saw his mother and sister dip into the water. He backed up, uncertain. He saw his mother inviting him in, and he didn't know. He walked up to the liquid and put his hoove in. He pulled it out quickly. He did not like the cold. He payed down next to the water. He was very stubborn. He pinned his ears back at his mother, in defiance.

Stella/ Mare/ M: Bell, Willy, Mouse Stella blinked awake in the pale dawn light, sitting up slowly and shaking out her mane. She looked down at the two foals lying near her with a gleam in her warm brown orbs. Standing up, Stella went to graze a few feet away. She kept her audits perked for threats, and one eye on her beautiful foals. Stella tensed when she heard some rustling grass, but relaxed to see it was just Mouse. She continued grazing peacefully, flicking her plumage lazily in the crisp morning air.  Bell/ Filly/ M: Stella [Mom], Mouse [Dad], Willy Bell woke when she felt her mother's warmth melting away. She saw the foal [Willy] lying next to her. Bell figured they probably shared Mom, but Bell didn't know the word for that. Bell looked around, seeing Mom grazing a few feet away and Dad was nearby. Bell stood up and went to see Mom. Mom nuzzled her, and Bell felt comforted. Feeling playful, Bell reared up a little and ran around on her wobbly legs. Edited at May 10, 2020 02:42 PM by Woodland Dream