
Sage grinned down at her and nodded. "The nicer one," he mused, nodding his head. "I know," he chuckled. Then he wrinkled his nose. "Believe me, all I hear about is you and your sister. Mostly your sister, but that's because she flirts with everyone," he noted, rolling his eyes when he mentioned the flirting. "It's weird. On both sides."
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Chloe half smiled. "I know. Grace flirts with the older grooms. I find it gross." She said "she can't ever let me be happy" Chloe looked down this just reminded her of her ex (graces boyfriend).
grace- grace woke up and got changed. She saw Chloe wasn't here so she ordered a groom to tack up bolt to find out he wasn't here. "Ugh" She screamed. "Chloe always wreaks everything" grace knew that whiskey was her prized jumping horse so she got him tacked up instead. Whiskey soon bucked her off and galloped in the direction of Chloe and sage.

Sage chuckled lightly and nodded. "I stay away from her as much as possible," he admitted. He jumped when he heard her scream from the barn, and groaned slightly, turning to the direction he heard hoofsteps from. He sighed when he saw whiskey running towards them, and whistled at the stallion, who slowed and then stopped, looking curiously over at where the noise came from. He pointed at the horse with aChuckle. 'go get your horse," he hummed
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Chloe smiled and cantered up to whiskey with bolt. He wouldn't stop so she jumped over to his saddle knowing that bolt would follow. She pulled him up and patted his neck. "It's okay boy" she said soothingly. "Good job bolt". She then mounted bolt again while leading whiskey. "We should go back. Can't wait to get an ear full from grace" she joked. As she started riding back.

Sage watched her chase after the horse before looking back into the forest where hed seen the eyes. It was probably a werewolf ..but who? And why were they here? And why were they.... aggressive? What were they planning? He had questions and not enough answers. Or...any at all. He chuckled at the girl's comment and nodded, turning chaos to follow her back, sort of just hoping she wouldn't try to flirt with him. He liked Chloe much better
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When they arived back at the stable Chloe put whiskey and bolt away. She sighed as grace yelled her name. (grace) "Chloe why'd you take bolt out" grace yelled. Chloe stayed quiet but eventually slapped grace. Grace then pushed her hard. Chloe fell back and hit her head. Chloe touched her head. She saw blood. She felt dizzy and watched grace walk off before passing out.

Sage took care of chaos and settled him before wincing at the shrill voice of the loud sister and then groaned when he heard chole fall over and then pass out. He wandered over to her and scooped her up gently, heasitating for a moment before bringing her into the trailer he lived in. He cleaned up quickly, moving all his junk and weapons and prescription bottles his doctors had thrown at him after he'd got home from the military before setting her down on the couch and patching her up.
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Grace felt good about what she'd done. She tried to call their father and tell him. But her wouldn't answer. But as it grew into night fall and she still hadn't seen Chloe grace started to wonder if she was ok.

Sage had made sure Chloe was taken care of, then eventually had to leave her to go feed and water the horses again, but soon came back to her
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Grace walked past sage's trailer and saw Chloe laying in there unconscious. Grace felt bad but saw an opportunity to flirt. She walked up to where sage was. "Hey cutie. Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date?" She flirted.
Pippa had escaped and wandered near grace. She lifted her head and didn't look amused. She nickerd and it seemed she was laughing.