
Hope jumped from the sudden noise, "oof you scared me" she says with an embarssing look on her face. "I'm hope" smiling she then attacks a fly trying to land on her. Edited at March 21, 2024 01:30 AM by Hot 2 Trot.
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Flash starts to smile too. 'I'm Flash.' he said.
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Luna | Lone Mare (for now) | M: Herd, Stolen, Open. Luna continues to watch the Stallion for a few more moments before looking away, laying her head back down on the grass as the young mare relaxes herself again, keeping one ear turned to him to obviously listen if he wants to talk while the other ear was kinda listening to their surroundings.

'Hi' says Flash, 'What's your name?'
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(W/ Luna) Stolen flicked his ears back, hearing the new horse approach a herd member. He turned his head to see the two of them before looking back at the new mare. "What's your name?" He flicked his tail at a fly.

Psychedelic Shrooms said: (W/ Luna) Stolen flicked his ears back, hearing the new horse approach a herd member. He turned his head to see the two of them before looking back at the new mare. "What's your name?" He flicked his tail at a fly.
I'm a stallion lol. 'I'm Flash' he says
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Yeah, I was talking with Luna, not you sorry Aussie Stables said: Psychedelic Shrooms said: (W/ Luna) Stolen flicked his ears back, hearing the new horse approach a herd member. He turned his head to see the two of them before looking back at the new mare. "What's your name?" He flicked his tail at a fly.
I'm a stallion lol. 'I'm Flash' he says

"ahhhh this fly" she roars and starts trotting around trying to get away from it, she stubbles over (luna) the pretty mare and sharply turns around "so sorry about that" flicking her head she raced towards the river and lunged herself in it letting her body be soaked in the deep mud.
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Aussie Stables said: Psychedelic Shrooms said: (W/ Luna) Stolen flicked his ears back, hearing the new horse approach a herd member. He turned his head to see the two of them before looking back at the new mare. "What's your name?" He flicked his tail at a fly.
I'm a stallion lol. 'I'm Flash' he says
They were asking what's my character's name lol)) Edited at March 21, 2024 01:52 AM by Aspen Fire ES

sorry my mistake lol 'How are you Luna' asks Flash.
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