
---briea was walking up the ile way checking on all of the horses she looked at the mini ponys and olny counted three "were the hell is muffin "briea said before running out into the storm she wasent talor swift she dinent need an umbrella she ran out to find the mini under a trackter thunder rumbeld inthe sky she grabed the mini and ran back to the barn soaking wet but she found the pony she put the mini back in her stall before going to the cabin were every one was hanging out "i had to get muffin she got out of her stall" she said before hanging up her coat to dry

Lyra looked at Briea as she came in "Oh hey! Yeah no worries. Here, I made hot cocos for everyone! And there's a blanket on the couch!" She said pointing to the two things "Is Muffin okay though? Poor thing must've got drenched out there" She said sympathetically

briea grabbed a coco and a blanket "yea muffin was under a tracter poor thing dont even know how she got out"

Lyra shook her head "Yeah... Lemme tell ya them ponies are so freaking cute... I hate seeing them so scared" She said looking out the window "Also no tv, power seems to be sabotaged" She said with a sigh

"oop tv is dead" briea said with a laugh she took a sip out of her coco "mystery seems to like her rug i got ghost one last year he tore it up in less then a week so he gets to be cold"

Lyra nodded slowly as Briea laughed about the tv. But she couldn't hold it in when she said Ghost had to go cold "HAHAHAHA! Poor Ghost!" She muffled taking a sip of her coco "Yeah, Mystery seems to appreciate EVERYTHING that is presented to her, you could offer her a human bed and she'd probably lay in it" Lyra snorted "But yeah, I bought it of eBay, nice isn't it? She even did a spin to show it off to the other horses" Lyra said, a smile growing onto her face as she thought about Mystery

"HAHA oh mysterys so funny i put ghost in the stall next to her and she looked so happy" briea laughed "i dont think ghost even likes the saddle hes diffacult" briea said with a eye roll

Lyra smiled "Well of course she was happy, you presented a HORSE! She gets excited over just about anything that crazy mare..." She trailed off, she giggled as Briea rolled her eyes "Well I'm sure Mystery and the other horses will become good role models to Ghost! You just need to wait and see" Lyra said with a quick wink almost like a sales person trying to sell a crappy car

briea burst out laughing "or ghost will teach them to open stalls " briea said inbetween laughs

Lyra laughed along with her "Oh yeah that IS possible" She mumbled through her giggling ____ Mystery She put her head over Ghost's stall "Hey Ghost!... Mind telling me how to get out? When Lyra put us back in our stalls, she locked mine properly..." Mystery said sadly