
_____________ghost ghost nodded "yep you grab the latch in your teeth like this " he grabed the latch "then pull up and over" he showed her "than push the stall open" he pushed on the stall and it swung open then he steped out

Mystery's gaze was focused on exactly what Ghost said and did, nodding which each step she understood "Okay... Here I go" She said quietly not wanting to alert Lyra again, she grabbed the latch on her mouth, at first she wriggled it then pulled it up and over, she then nudged the door with her muzzle and it swung right open "Whoa... Nice!" She said happily trotting out of her stall "Ha! With the humans stuck in the riders lounge, we can freely roam the stables! But I'm NOT going outside" She said shaking her mane to the other side

ghost nodded "im not going out there ether " he said as he walked in to the arena there was still jumps set up ghost loped around and jumped them all with air to spare he loved jumping anything

Mystery slowly followed, taking her time to really investigate the stables. When she did make it to the arena though, her eyes lit up "Oh wow! Aww hell yeah!" She said as she leapt to a start, the first jump got knocked, but that was because She didn't lift her legs quick enough, the next few she flew across perfectly fine "Hey! Should we go invite Whiskey?" She asked trotting around the arena

"i dont see why not" ghost said with a toss of his head then he when around to the 1.30 meter jump and cleared it he troted around the arena tossing hes head and prancing

(Oh no... My phone is at 3% but I can't charge it cause the charger isn't in the room! XD) Mystery smiled and pranced her way back into the stables "Hey Whiskey! You and the others wanna come to the indoor arena with us?" Mystery asked pulling a small rear

briea herd mystery rear and walked out of the riders lounge ghost was jumping in the arena and mystery was prancing in the stables she cliped mysterys lead onto her halter and put her back in the stall then tyed a rope around it so they couldent open it then did the same to ghost

Whiskey looked at the two. "Just stay in ur stall" he said with a harsh tone. "You don't need the humans worrying any more than they are." Whiskey then undone his door and wandered out. He walked over to the riders lounge and pawed are the door.

briea grabbed whiskey "you to boy" she put whiskey in a stall tying it shut two

Whiskey never normally has his stall door tied. He hated it as it reminded him of his troublesome child hood. He kicked and pawed at the door