
"Good." She sighed sadly. "Im gonna miss you when you go back to the wild,is the thing." She told him sadly. "Clay Crawford." He responded. "I think the worst thing he's had happen, was jumping out of a trailer because some rando was trying to steal him." Clay told her.

Phantom looked at Sora "I won't be away for too long when I go" phantom reassured her when clay said the worse that happened to him was true trailer he snorted and pawed at the ground to object. He'd had far worse in the wild. Chloe listened and nodded. She could tell phantom had been through a lot due to the state he'd arrived at the race stables in

"But I mean,who knows what else he's done.The trailer is all I know of.We're gonna have to have a stall cam for whereever he want's to sleep to make sure no one tries to steal him." "I hope you don't.Listen,I want to go to the wild,I really do but,I can't leave Clay with no horse." Sorra rested her head on Phantom's back.

Phantom listened to sora "true" he said nuzzling her. chloe smiled as clay made the joke. "Or maybe we'll have to padlock the stall door." She said and patted phantoms neck.

Sorra leaned her neck on Phantom's side,thinking.What would she do if he did leave back to the wild?Would she runaway with him to?She sighed and erased her thoughts before nuzzling him back.She did'nt know how to tell him she truly liked him and saw him as,more than a friend.She did'nt want to mess up their friendship so she kept as silent as mouse.What do you even do if you have a friend,well,more than friend that you like but don't know how to tell him?What if your friend is wild and might leave at any given moment?What if your attached to someone who might just randomly leave? "Hey I mean,both are pretty good options." He paused and glanced at the ground. "You should,try to train him.Maybe even break him in.You'd be awesome at that.Well,I got to go.Got a friend to go meet.Later Chloe!" Clay then walked out of the barn and went to go meet his jockey friend,Jaden. [Angel I think you know where im going with this lol]

(Yep) chloe smiled and nodded. "See you round" she said. She'd train phantom but not break him in. No saddles or bridles. Phantom had made that clear. (sorry it's short)

Clay raced down the highway and pulled up at Jayden's overly big sized house.He hopped out of his Chevy and slammed the door shut.He then barged into Jayden's house. "Dude,why are you buying so many new horses bro?" Clay asked. "I don't know.I mean,I have enough money to buy one so....why should'nt I buy one?" Jayden questioned. "Truth,truth." Clay responded.The two men walked out to Jayden's barn.Clay stood in awe of the new filly's stunning coat. "Wow is she pretty." Loki nickered madly. "Yeah yeah,your pretty to." Clay said while stoking the stallions face.

Phantom trotted around the vets stables. "So when you going back to clays Sora?" He asked. He was going to go with her.

"I don't know.Soon though,soon." She responded.

Phantom nodded and laid down