
This is where you can find a pattern library for non-inheritable patterns (Birdcatcher, sooty, vitiligo, brindle, etc.) Inspired by White Hills's amazing inheritable pattern library (+ chimera), make sure to check that out! Contents: Post #1: Introduction ✓ Post #2: Vitiligo Examples Post #3: Brindle Examples ✓ Post #4: Birdcatcher Examples Post #5: Sooty Examples Post #6: Bloody Shoulder Examples Post #7: Lace Examples ✓ Post #8: Pangere Examples [This post is very much a work in progress. Find an example of any of the above phenotypes that doesn't seem to have been posted? Please PM it to me so I can add it! If you see an example that either doesn't match the heading it's under, or is a duplicate of another example, please also be sure to let me know :D] [If you see that I've marked a heading as complete but there are examples missing: as usual, please tell me.] Edited at February 24, 2021 02:11 AM by Tanglewood

Edited at February 24, 2021 01:58 AM by Tanglewood

Edited at February 24, 2021 01:49 AM by Tanglewood

Edited at February 24, 2021 01:59 AM by Tanglewood

Edited at February 24, 2021 02:14 AM by Tanglewood

Edited at February 24, 2021 02:09 AM by Tanglewood

Edited at February 24, 2021 02:04 AM by Tanglewood

Pangere    (same phenotype as below; simply on bay rather than black.)   
Edited at February 24, 2021 01:37 AM by Tanglewood

Bend-or Spots  
Edited at February 24, 2021 01:55 AM by Tanglewood