Hello fellow genetics geeks XD
What are your favorite dilution genes??
I was thinking about this the other day and I realized I really love the cream gene XD I love palominos and double dilutes and dunalinos.
But my absolute favorite is when a horse has pearl and cream
Because if you breed the horse, if they don't have cream, they have pearl!!

I like the Frame and Splash White gene, because both of them can have so many cool formations and variations. While the others not so much.
splash white, pearl, and dun are my absolute favorites. I like frame as well but i hate having it in my barn for fear of lethal whites.
Looking back at this topic i realize you said favorite dilute and not just favorite pattern haha so in my case Dun and pearl Edited at May 27, 2017 02:28 AM by DunSkin Ranch

Splash White is my favorite :) Frame and Tobiano are close seconds
Tobiano is my personal favorite

Love Splash, grullo and...Plain old BLACK!!! XD!
I have to agree pearl and cream are my favorite, with dun following close behind. I'm not a fan of champagne as it gives the eyes and nose a pink look, looks too much like a white and red eyed rabbit to me lol. My favorite pattern is Splash white too