
Time to refresh my memory. I took a few years off from playing and Im starting completely over. Focusing on color without loosing the ratings. Im pretty sure I have the breeding right that we should NOT match weaknesses. Example: Sire and Dam both weak in SCP is a nono! Ive seen the theory floating around that you can only get the really well rated foals in your first few breeding attempts for the season? Do breedings rate up better if the sire and dam are more similar in ratings? Examples Ive had this season: PPP + PPP = PEP EWW + EWE = PPP WWW + EEE = PPP or S combo Bad luck or late breeding?

That would be caused by improper matching and a bit of random factor.

It might be more helpful if you posted the matches so we could see the parents. IMO, a PPP x PPP = PEP and EWW x EWE = PPP is pretty normal. The random factor can be mean! . WWW x EEE can result in PPP is it's a weak EEE (ie, the E's are closer to P's) or the WWW is weak (ie, the W's are closer to E's). But that match shouldn't ever result in S, unless the matching is really off. The best way to tell if horses match well is to track their training. With WWW's, 5-6 up week 4 is expected. 3+ week 7 is becoming standard. Leveling at week 14 happens for some. I'd recommend looking at the top ABLB horses' training if this sounds weird. . Also, it's definitely a rumor that the best horses have to be in your first few matches. Just superstition! Some of my highest ratings come from my last and/or unplanned matches.
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