Frame on this game is O. So a horse that carries frame is Oo Nhitemare said: What would the genetics of a frame overo horse look like? Since LWS is used in this game.
All of the colors on the chart expresses the Grey gene as 'always gg'. Are there any colors where grey isn't gg?
If it was Gg or GG then the horse would be grey. Which would mask other patterns and colors Celestial Estates said: All of the colors on the chart expresses the Grey gene as 'always gg'. Are there any colors where grey isn't gg?

Edited at May 1, 2020 01:43 PM by WhizBar Eventing
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Nevermind, I just had to look further on this thread down to Silver Grullo. Edited at May 31, 2020 01:53 AM by Undeterred Hands

Kuewi KNN Stable said: CREME Creme is a dilution gene. One copy of the Creme (Ccr) allele will result in a single dilute horse; a smokey black, buckskin, brown buckskin or palomino. 2 copies of the allele (CcrCcr horses) will result in a double dilute horse; a smokey crème, perlino, brown crème or cremello. Single dilute horses will show pearl genes if there is one present; Double Dilutes will hide pearl (and also Champagne) because their coat is already maximally diluted so the other dilution factor will not have an effect. They will not show up as having silver in their name either, but I believe smokey cremes, perlinos and brown cremes with silver have white tails in the game - don't quote me on it though.
Curious, I thought a horse who has two genes of cream can not be a carrier of pearl, since it is kind of the same gene (pearl was a mutation of the cream gene)

I can't verify if it's always true about the silver perlino phenotype, but you may be right. I looked at my current perlinos and happened across a deceased mare that is a silver carrier. She produced a silver buckskin by a bay stallion. She has the silver mane and tail, where as the non-silver perlinos all have pink-ish hair.
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Black chestnut? I think is ee aa + random but I'm not sure if it's Aa or aa?