
so two nights ago i woke up to all three dogs barking their heads of well sage my border collie dosent bark at random things like the other two so i grab my hand gun walk to the front door look out the window some old lady standing there banging on my door i open it and she insantly starts this sob story about how she has cancer and her friends left her and she need money i told her to get the fuck of my porch and never come back at this point the dogs are still barking my german shepard is trying to push through me so after she walks away my roomate has already called the cops i called the people next door ask her if the lady came by she said she had came by three nights in a row each time they gave her ten bucks and sent her away well ok i hang up get a call from the police the lady is wanted for drug use and murder the murder of her own son like what the hell is wrong with people when i was a kid we would leave the doors unlocked when we left and the older lady next door would come in and leave us a pie or muffins i would never leave my doors unlocked now the people next door already have a damn raccoon who gets in through the windows and scares the fuck out of us

goodness. i'm so glad she did not harm you

yea think i caught her off gard my roommate told me i looked like i jumped out of a wester movie and was going to start a shoot out in the middle of town