
Recently my daughter, she's 6, has been offered to be able to keep an animal for 4H at the barn where she does lessons. The barn owner have even agreed to help with feeding, etc. She thinks getting my daughter into 4H would be an good experience for her. My daughter doesn't want to simply because she doesn't want to sell whatever animal at the end of summer. I've tried explaining that is how livestock works, they aren't pets. She got upset and said that it's a horrible process. She said if she could get any animal she wants a duck. That way she'd never have to sell it. I'd love to hear yalls opinion on this. Edited at October 14, 2024 11:41 PM by Fairytale Paints
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I think 4-H is great having been in it for the pas ten years. Also she doesn't have to do animal projects try a static project until she is older.
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Trivia Team |
I think she's very wise to know she won't be able to sell the animal at the end of it already. So many kids just jump at the chance for an animal without considering the long-term journey. I'm team duck!
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I think a rabbit would also be a good decision. I, along with a number of other people I know, had rabbits growing up and they're endless entertainment. Also, just be careful of the 4H org in your area. The org in the area where I live has really gone downhill.

I agree, however it sounds to me like the animal thing might be too much for her little brain. My 4-H org is really good. I love it. (this is probs my last year though darn army;) )
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I did 4-H when I was younger and loved it. Six is still a little young to be in it, I think - often you have to do report booklets with your project (I'm not sure if they do these for livestock, but they definitely do for crafts/non-animal things) where you have to write a lot, like a little summary of what you did and what you learned, etc. Either way, though, it doesn't sound like the livestock route is for her. 4-H could still be good though, for other projects. I would wait a couple more years and then see what your daughter might be interested in. There are tons of other things to do like sewing, cake decorating, etc, and animals where you don't have to sell them at the end. I had a lot of fun with it, I'd recommend it once she's older. Edited at October 26, 2024 09:35 PM by Rocky Mtn Paints
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Check with 4H as well, the national rules changed in the last few years and it is strictly for ages 8-18, for the equestrian clubs anyone under 8 is not allowed to participate (in large part bc of liability). Not sure if other ones are the same, she may be able to go and "shadow" first and see if she likes it enough to commit.

Rumble Team |
Don't force her if she doesn't want to. Forming bonds with the animals pet or not and then being forced to send them for meat can be incredibly traumatic
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