
My mother found out how they got in without breaking any doors or windows. In the living room, when one of the windows seems locked, you can go outside and jiggle it around and it pops loose. Time to replace them all, as they're about 50-60 years old😬 Hawkeye Farms said: I'm at the point in thinking you should buy some weight plates, spray paint them rusted silvery color, and make them look like claymore landmines to scare the hell out of tresspassers. Then again that's my vindictive side coming out. Or if you have some trees or what not, and your neighbor is willing to plug in lights you can make it look like you have demons or something in the trees at night by using red and orange lights.
I love these xD Will definitely be adding tree demons to my yard, as we've got plenty of trees. We could also set up a dog run cable thing with a ghost on it attatched to a tripwire, so someone trips it and the ghost comes down the hill at em lmao. My stepdad's a welder(has been for 30 or so years) so he could probably make tons of fake landmines and such. The Lady of Fangorn said: Old broken security cameras- they don't know they're broken. Everywhere, in tons of trees, etc. Electric fence, different strands run on different boxes so cutting/grounding one wire doens't ground the rest. Grease or oil all over the handles of wherever they're getting into, smelly trash as well, compost, etc. Make it such a pain in the ass (without setting booby traps!!!) that they go find someone else to rob.
Oooh, considering they took a camera, if we put up fake ones maybe they'll be less inclined to steal more, as the ones we've got are about $160 each >.> The electric fence is a great idea! Think it'd be possible to rig a car battery to the front door handle? O.o Fairytale Paints said: When I was in high school, a friends dad kept getting his chain saws stolen dog box. Fed up of getting his stuff stolen. He put a bear trap in, let's just say. He's stuff stopped getting stolen 👀
That's brilliant xD I'm sure most criminals would try to press charges though xD I'm pretty sure there are quite a few old bear traps around, I'll have to see if any still work.
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omg thats bad. some person broke in and stole our wagon and out door chairs a few years ago. that was fun. PMs open for rants LOL
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lilly fields said: omg thats bad. some person broke in and stole our wagon and out door chairs a few years ago. that was fun. PMs open for rants LOL
oh no, not the chairs😂😭thank you<3
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I still say put up a sign tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be fed to the werewolves. Or a sign with a GSD on it that says run they like fast food. I wouldn't put out the bear trap unless you absoultely had to, but you might be able to freak them out with a motion dector laser pointer acting like a line sight for a scope of a rifle, and a voice activation saying a countdown until being shot, then rig a sound system to go off with gun fire.

Hawkeye Farms said: I still say put up a sign tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be fed to the werewolves. Or a sign with a GSD on it that says run they like fast food. I wouldn't put out the bear trap unless you absoultely had to, but you might be able to freak them out with a motion dector laser pointer acting like a line sight for a scope of a rifle, and a voice activation saying a countdown until being shot, then rig a sound system to go off with gun fire.
oooh, yes! We don't have a German shepherd, but we do have a border collie who's a great little home invader siren, and boy is she fast. We clocked her at 38mph xD love the laser! I'll have to see about getting something like that.
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I did the lazer pointer thing when someone was siphoning gas from cars in the neighborhood. Freaked the bastard right out, and then I played a gun fire tape, and threw pop snapper fire works leading up to his feet before I set off a set of lady finger fire works. Man he pissed and crapped his pants while running off. KPH Equestrian said: Hawkeye Farms said: I still say put up a sign tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be fed to the werewolves. Or a sign with a GSD on it that says run they like fast food. I wouldn't put out the bear trap unless you absoultely had to, but you might be able to freak them out with a motion dector laser pointer acting like a line sight for a scope of a rifle, and a voice activation saying a countdown until being shot, then rig a sound system to go off with gun fire.
oooh, yes! We don't have a German shepherd, but we do have a border collie who's a great little home invader siren, and boy is she fast. We clocked her at 38mph xD love the laser! I'll have to see about getting something like that.

wow, beautiful! Wonderfully executed, I need to do the same xD We met one of the neighbors recently, and he was a marine(I think?) for 23 years, and his wife said he likes getting to come over and search the place for trespassers lol Hawkeye Farms said: I did the lazer pointer thing when someone was siphoning gas from cars in the neighborhood. Freaked the bastard right out, and then I played a gun fire tape, and threw pop snapper fire works leading up to his feet before I set off a set of lady finger fire works. Man he pissed and crapped his pants while running off. KPH Equestrian said: Hawkeye Farms said: I still say put up a sign tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be fed to the werewolves. Or a sign with a GSD on it that says run they like fast food. I wouldn't put out the bear trap unless you absoultely had to, but you might be able to freak them out with a motion dector laser pointer acting like a line sight for a scope of a rifle, and a voice activation saying a countdown until being shot, then rig a sound system to go off with gun fire.
oooh, yes! We don't have a German shepherd, but we do have a border collie who's a great little home invader siren, and boy is she fast. We clocked her at 38mph xD love the laser! I'll have to see about getting something like that.
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Down here in the south, We have pit bulls and shotguns. And the question is, which one will get you first? . I have a 2 year old pit bull, and he goes absolutley bonkers when someone he doesnt know comes up to the house. Im talking breaking out of his crate and charging at the door to scare them off. Me and a friend were play fighting at my house, i got hit a bit to hard and made a "Ow" Quite loudly, he didnt like that one bit. He latched onto my friends arm bit didnt bite down too hard, (Their okay.) So at least i know im protected. . I also have a home security alarm, Specifically ring, which i trust emmensely, And i keep guns all over the house. A shotgun by the front door, back door, my bedroom door, and the garage door. and i never go anywhere without my pistol, even around the house. . I would reccomend ring and put the sensors on every door and window you have, and set up a loud alarm that blasts. Ring will also call the autorities if someone broke in and the alarm went off. Edited at October 1, 2024 01:01 PM by Royal M Cavalry

Royal M Cavalry said: Down here in the south, We have pit bulls and shotguns. And the question is, which one will get you first? . I have a 2 year old pit bull, and he goes absolutley bonkers when someone he doesnt know comes up to the house. Im talking breaking out of his crate and charging at the door to scare them off. Me and a friend were play fighting at my house, i got hit a bit to hard and made a "Ow" Quite loudly, he didnt like that one bit. He latched onto my friends arm bit didnt bite down too hard, (Their okay.) So at least i know im protected. . I also have a home security alarm, Specifically ring, which i trust emmensely, And i keep guns all over the house. A shotgun by the front door, back door, my bedroom door, and the garage door. and i never go anywhere without my pistol, even around the house. . I would reccomend ring and put the sensors on every door and window you have, and set up a loud alarm that blasts. Ring will also call the autorities if someone broke in and the alarm went off.
We actually used to have a pitbull, she looked mean and scary but in reality, was a wimp, had separation anxiety, and started shaking if there were too many people in the room with her😅 Our border collie however, has been taught the command 'domestic violence' which is basically 'break up the fight and bark bark bark'. It's pretty effective on squabbling children, but she's only 30lbs and not the best guard dog xD My mother really wants to stay away from Ring, says they're a corrupt corporation and spy on people, same as google >>; Instead we have SimpliSafe and some form of home alarm. I wasn't the one who set it all up so I have no clue how it works and whatnot xD Once we move into the new house, we'll definitely have all our guns around the house, but since we don't live there right now we can't since they already stole my mother's gun and some other stuff >.<
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