• Top 50 ABLB Requirements for the WWWs, top 50 LB (of any breed) requirements for the EWW combos. Approved freshmen are acceptable too (PM ahead of time with links to freshmen)
• Please accept broods within 48 hours of RO, I factor brood income into my
RO budget so delaying past this time affects my RO plans
• Broods are 25% off final price if you are a part of my club JBC
My other mares will be available for embryos
here SHs
Voleti - Svenned WWW out of OST and a SHLB mare. Supershine alert! (
CcrC RnRn DD Zz SbSb Rbrb Lplp P2P2)
SB: 125k
AB: 250k
Netilmire - Svenned WWW #6 x #7 ABLB +2, bumped dam +3 ABLB to #4. Z Spl To P1 P2
SB: 100k
AB: 200k
Bad Wolf - Bumped mom from off the LBs to back on at #91 SHLB. Ee Rnrn Prlprl Zz Sbsb P2P2 (Can produce apricot!)
SB: 125k
AB: 250k
Baby Yoda - Svenned EWW out of ABLB parents (Anakin x Tequila) Dd Splspl LpLp P2
SB: 50k
AB: 100k
Edelweiss - Svenned EWW out of #2 x retired #4 ABLB, Rn Spl Lp P1
SB: 75k
AB: 150k
Parking Ticket - wild caught EWW +15, Ccr Lp P2
SB: 50k
AB: 100k