
New W maidens: by Cinnamon Roll x Vanilla extract +glass SB - 20k AB - 100k Edited at January 2, 2025 08:38 PM by Dash and Duchess
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The Girls The girls are back! All have a minimum of WWW. Embryo Cost will be included at AB. This ends Nov 20th at noon, I can extend it though upon PM :) - Vanilla Extract EWW - Prlprl, CC, DD, Toto W & WW producer, doesn't like me :'( -- SB - 150k AB - 300k - Udeni EWW - Zz Sooty CC W producer 🙄 (waiting on second emb) -- SB - 70k AB - 300k - Damsel EWW - ZZ Ccr W&WW producer - SB - 40k AB - 150k - Nilly Stable Name - Bid / Stable Name- Bid - Udeni Stable Name - Bid (brood only) - Damsel Stable Name - Bid (brood only) - Cinnamon Stable Name - Bid (brood only for now) - Reminder - Emb Cost only included at 100k above SB :) Edited at December 20, 2024 09:29 AM by Dash and Duchess
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Hey guys i had an absolute crap RO and second embs CRASHED and burned in a flaming trash pile, which in turn I screwed up that LB potential, so these new foals, don't judge them T-T
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Open for 186 +Maiden with DD
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closing in on the end date <3
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