Lea Manor said: 1) I give mine salt blocks all the time as it gives them extra Vitamins and for my 5yo Oldenburg my vet recommended to give them to her to help with gaining health and She also said something about gaining muscle strength with them so I just go along with it xD2) I've always had horses that chew wood and I've never found out the reason why, I always catch mine doing it after a ride or if they are moody xD
3) I don't always do it but I've always put my two out in the field with geldings as they act like a bunch of Mares anyways so it makes no different to be fair xD xx
4) I taught a One-eyed Westaphlian to jump, He prefered jumping on the right rein as it happened on the left but I got him to jump a 1m30 so you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it x
Thanks for the information! :)
1. Ours get the mineral/salt licks 24/7 365 days a year. They drink more water, and don't browse in the dirt for the minerals. 2. Yes- all our horses chew on wood, whether it's the fence or the barn stall. Even when there's stuff to do, and hay to eat. And one is a stallion, so it's not really exclusive to the sexes, that I've observed. If his chewing really bothers you, wrap the wood in sheet metal, and he won't ever try to chew it again. We did this- pried up the top boards on the stall gates and wrapped them with the sharp edges underneath- and they've stopped since then. You might also try stuff that tastes really bad, but that's harmless, like Tabasco sauce. 3. Yes, one of my geldings has "stallion" tendencies. We had a pony mare, and he went around "helping" her out all the time. It really depends on your gelding, but they should be fine. The little mare nailed him a few times, and that was the end of it. If you have one that's recently gelded, be sure to wait at least 6 weeks before putting him in with mares. A friend's mare was in the pasture with a newly gelded stallion and -Oops!- she got pregnant. LOL, just something to be aware of. 4. WOW!!! That's AWESOME!! Big congratulations! He must trust you a lot!
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My horse (and other horses at the ranch) always chew on wood XD I still don't know why they do that XD
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