
So I have 3 horses. Hotrod- 13 year old paint horse. Red Roan overo Nitro- 10 year old paint 1/4 Thoroughbred. Maximum Sabino (hes all white) Shortcake- 22 year old paint horse. Red Roan overo Sweety- 16 year old Appaloosa. Red roan blanket (sold in February)
This is going to be about Shortcake. My mom bought Shorty when she was 8 years old. We moved from Washington to Arizona back to Washington with her. 3 years ago, Shorty was playing with Sweety in the field. Shortcake got kicked and broke her hip. There were many moments when we thought we would lose her. 2 months into her stall rest, Shorty was miserable. She would stand in the corner and do nothing. She was the horses version of depression. After 6 months, her hip had healed. We let her out that first day, and I swear she came back to Life. She was so happy to be with the other horses. Her hip healed really well. She has a little scar.
This July, we finally moved forward with our plans to breed Shortcake. We were had a breeding specialist out who checked her and said she was good to go. The only possible problem was her cervix. Her cervix was tight, but we made everything work. When the vet came out 3 weeks later, Shortcake wasnt pregnant. The vet tried again, but she didnt take. We thought something was off, so we took her to our regular vet. They told us that the breeding specialist we used gave her a uterin infection. My mom and I still have no idea how a breeding specialist have her the infection. If we had just used our normal vet, we probably never would have had the problem. The most surprising part was when the vet said she had had the infection for 3-4 weeks. This means that when the specialist came out, he had 4 different opportunities to point out the infection. But nope, we never knew. After the 4 weeks it took to clear the infection, her cervix and uterus were too scarred. Now, Shorty can never have a foal. Only use a vet you trust, it may save you in the long run.
Babies or not, we still love her ❤️ Anyone else here have horses with the same experience? I havent really heard of many horses with broken hips getting through the injury. And does anyone want pics? I can post some if you want :) Edited at December 3, 2017 08:07 PM by Fire Valley TB
Pictures would be awesome! This is such a cute story, it's sad she can't have any foals.

Pics arent working right so Ill try tomorrow Edited at December 3, 2017 11:06 PM by Fire Valley TB

I know a guy, awesome pole/barrel racer. He rides a beautiful little paint gelding. About 6 months ago, he switched horses, and I asked him about his paint. Apparently, the horse had (I forget how) shattered his front leg. The guy went ahead and paid for the care, fixing, etc. 3 weeks ago, this horse is back. Fully healed, running 16's on barrels and low twenties on poles. Never limped a day.