
Trivia Team |
Lil Cliffy nonupdate- I got a new mare, named Evie, in March to fill the void Cliff left, and she and Cliff are absolutely the bestest of friends. He's teaching her all his worst habits and she is turning into an absolute gremlin because of him, but they are adorable and have a great time together. Here's a lil pic of them in their matching flymasks from today. Otherwise Cliff's just been getting fat and enjoying standing under the hose on the hottest days in this miserable summer. It's been over a full year of retirement, save for a handful of little rides around the property, and he's been pretty happy!
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Trivia Team |
Day one of not euthanizing my horse ♡ Cliff's behavior has grown atrocious again, so at the expense of my sanity, my trainer's sanity, and everybody on the farm's sanity, I'm bringing him back into light consistent work to see if giving him a job will help calm him down. If not... I might have to make a decision I really don't want to make. But he was good today, tossed his head a lot and kept pulling on the bit, but he walked around and moved off leg and was mostly civilized under saddle. So fingers crossed! 🤞
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Aw he's so handsome! Hoping he starts to behave himself again 🤞
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Trivia Team |
Cliffy has been very very good for the past month, just hacking around the farm a little bit, so today I had some friends over and we trailered out and took all three of my horses on a trail ride. Cliff didn't put a single foot wrong, he was absolutely perfect and so happy to be out and about. We even went into the lake at the end of the ride and he got to do his favorite splashing activities <3
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So cute<3<3 It must've been tough deciding to retire a horse so young, but he seems to like it xD Such a lucky boy<3
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Aww theyre so cute <3 Glad hes doing well!
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Trivia Team |
Lil cliffy update, we've trail ridden a few times since that post and he's been perfect each time. We went again Monday, and I let my friend canter him, and he was very good. So I got on him today to see how he felt after that ride and he was super sound and relaxed and happy. Very proud of my retired baby dragon. 🥺 (Excuse the godawful quality of the screenshot lmao)
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kissing spine is not fun ive worked with it a number of times what seems to help and the advice from my mom (a body builder for horses) is to lunge the hore the opposite way that the spine is pinched together i do it with my 21 year old horse who has kissing spine other then that cliff looks really happy i have seen horses that went from heavy work to being retired start getting worked up from not doing lots of stuff ( mostly ranch horses in my case) Edited at May 3, 2024 01:13 PM by ~solar stables~

ignore Edited at May 3, 2024 01:10 PM by ~solar stables~

Rumble Team |
That is amazing to hear Puck! I'm so glad he is doing well!