
ParallelHearts said: I was out of saddle once with a broken ankle for about a year and it was absolutely miserable. I was bucked off a mare I was working with and landed really wrong; the problem was that I had a previous soccer injury in that same ankle that never healed right, so I couldn't flex my ankle properly for a long time. And that was... three/four years ago? Still can't get a deep heel.
When I finally did get back on, it was on a nasty Appy pony that I didn't get along with, but she was overweight, needed the work, and I'm 5'1", so I'm the only one small enough to ride her. She has had it out for me since the first time I rode her, something like ten years ago because I don't put up with her attitude. (For the record, she's been checked by both a vet and chiropractor--no health issues, just being mareish.) We hacked out in a group, and needless to say, I returned on foot.... Just one foot, because I was hobbling and off for another month. Thanks, Pumpkin!
I've currently been off eight months and it's harder than the aforementioned experience--at least then there was the promise of getting back on! This time I've moved and the only stables in the area are a beginner lesson barn, and an Olympic level Dressage barn where I could be a working student, which would be an amazing experience and I'm seriously considering applying when the lease on my apartment is up (it's a live-in position).
That would be so cool! Good luck!
If this counts..
Three years(then). The ranch I rode out shut down, and I had no access. I still loved the animals though:) Luckily, last year, I started back up at a local stable. Now I am in a riding club with Shiecka, and I am a proud jumper.
Hope this counts?
Well, considering I've never actually had a horse or ridden at a stable... Eh... My whole life. x"3 I desperately want to take lessons, and there's a good stable like 5 mins away from me, but the lessons are too expensive to even consider.


I haven't actually ridden for almost a year and a half. I brought my horse home in 2015, rode her around the yard a lot and stopped for the winter. She got sick in late early April when it started to warm up so she was down and out (turned out to be an infection caused by a cracked tooth). She was on antibiotics, helped. When she was given a clean bill of health, I was happy. I planned to get her going and riding more, but that didn't work out like I planned.
End of April 2016, I got in a bad car accident (had someone in a SUV slam into the back of my station wagon at about 50mph) and messed up my back. I was going to physical therapy and juggling work and school as well. Never got on her. I tried in November but it wasn't working. She and I are both out of shape...
Hoping to get on her this summer though, back is feeling better, she just needs to have the vet out, feet trimmed and the dentist is coming to visit her as well!

Sadly I haven't ridden a horse for 7 years.
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I absolutely love riding. I haven't been able to in a couple of years. For one, I don't know anyone who has horses that are ridable. Most the people I know who have them didn't ride them for a long time and now they can't be ridden anymore. I would find somewhere to go, but sadly there isn't anywhere where I live. There is someone in my family who lives a couple hours away who owns barrel horses, but I have never saddled a horse before and every time I get to ride and might have a chance to learn they don't give me the chance to -_- I am too shy to say anything out loud about it so I let it slide. Anyways my relative's daughter has to be there for me to ride and when I actually can, we don't go there often, she says she doesn't want to, but as soon as we leave she goes riding. It's ridiculous.
3 months or so... I hated it. My trainer moved to a different state and kinda left me to dry. Luckily I found my barn that I am now riding at!
Iv been out of saddle for about 10 years now