
So I've been out of the saddle for... about 7 months now, and its been awful! I hate not being able to go out and see the horses, even just to groom them. But thankfully, after exams I can go back riding again! 2 more weeks! I hope...
What is the longest you've been out of the saddle? And what was it like when you got back in it?

About a year and 4 months or so. I was pregnant then afterwords. What it was like? EXHAUSTING. We were both so out of shape and all we did was mainly walk and a little trotting.
A couple years. I had no access to any horses at all, and I was miserable. When I finally got back on, I realized that I was afraid of horses. XD And....I fell off. But it was totally worth it. ;) So excited that you get to get back in the game!

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Aug 2013 when I sold my mare. Last real riding I did. I've been on one short trail ride since, in Dec 2015, but it was short.
Now life has gotten in the way, we rent in town and I don't have the time or money to get back into it until we move back to our homestate. Which won't be till 2019.
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It's been about a year or two since I've sat on a horse, so...
Hopefully I'll be picking lessons up this summer

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I haven't been on a horse in over a year. I started riding at age four and continued nonstop until I moved to NYC in Feb 2016. It haunts me.
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I have only ridden twice since I got married six years ago and it kills me! I still technically own a paint colt at my father's house, but he currently lives three hours away, and is really my father's horse now :) Since my husband and I are about to buy eleven acres and a house we plan to buy horses again in a few years and I can't wait! xD

About 5 months. Not too long, but long enough to give my legs a real workout.. Sore for a few days, but otherwise not too bad. It sucks having to go back a few steps before getting back to where I left off. I could only do a few 'barely there' jumps to begin with.
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I was out of saddle once with a broken ankle for about a year and it was absolutely miserable. I was bucked off a mare I was working with and landed really wrong; the problem was that I had a previous soccer injury in that same ankle that never healed right, so I couldn't flex my ankle properly for a long time. And that was... three/four years ago? Still can't get a deep heel.
When I finally did get back on, it was on a nasty Appy pony that I didn't get along with, but she was overweight, needed the work, and I'm 5'1", so I'm the only one small enough to ride her. She has had it out for me since the first time I rode her, something like ten years ago because I don't put up with her attitude. (For the record, she's been checked by both a vet and chiropractor--no health issues, just being mareish.) We hacked out in a group, and needless to say, I returned on foot.... Just one foot, because I was hobbling and off for another month. Thanks, Pumpkin!
I've currently been off eight months and it's harder than the aforementioned experience--at least then there was the promise of getting back on! This time I've moved and the only stables in the area are a beginner lesson barn, and an Olympic level Dressage barn where I could be a working student, which would be an amazing experience and I'm seriously considering applying when the lease on my apartment is up (it's a live-in position).
I haven't ridden a horse in 9 years.