
Jericho Stables said: FirstLightFarms said: Week two! Introduced the equiband system to Cliff. He wasn't super impressed at first, kicked out a few times, but then realized it wasn't going to bite him and settled down. We kept it short, just ten minutes wandering around getting used to it, but I noticed it helped him lift his back a lot, which is awesome. Tomorrow I'll put him on the lunge and make him actually powerwalk, five minutes in each direction, and have him at 15 minutes in it by the end of the week. Then next week, maybe start trotting! He's been really good so far.
I've never heard of this. What is supposed to be the function/goal using this?
Just to add on - A horse I know (who happens to look quite similar, lol) also recently started using this system and we saw a massive improvement in how engaged he was, especially in his core which helped him lift his back. His shape + movement have really improved so it seems to work well from what I've seen :)
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Cliffy today got to trot around a new little pole set-up. I think he's starting to realize the stretch feels good, before he was a little hard to steer over the poles but today he was actively seeking out the poles. He wasn't consistent with thr stretch though, so he gets robaxin today and tomorrow and tomorrow I'm gonna plan to put him in the pessoa system and through the poles. Hopefully that goes well.
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I am sorry to hear that he got KS that can be scary thing... but he looks like he is doing much better! I love how you are not rushing things along like some people do you are just taking one step at a time! I wish you just the best of luck and can't wait to hear more!

Trivia Team |
Cliff in the pessoa system today! I ended up not doing polework (surprise surprise) but I'm really happy with how he went. His trot is definitely lengthening and he's building so much power in his hind end. Got to see some of that power when he decided that he was over trotting and wanted to leap up and kick out instead, but we worked through it and he offered this beautiful open trot. Very happy.
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I think today is actually week 5 but whatever. I'm so incredibly happy with our progress, it's hard to really see until you put it side by side and wow. Just. Wow. ♡
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One week later! Cliffy got a massage yesterday and there were still points of interest- his withers, particularly, and poll sorenes, which is a bit odd- he's overall doing a lot better. I'm super happy that we're able to feel results as much as see them.
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You can really see the difference in those pics! Wow

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Trotted, spooked, rolled, and now we're eating grass while I update! He was good today, first time back since the massage. I'm going to add nore poles to the line tomorrow, since we've been doing 3 in a row for awhile now. Also starting to think about doing canter work. I don't want to start off in the round pen, because it's less of a controlled situation, and I want to back away from the pessoa system a little bit since I think that's part of the poll and shoulders reactivity my friend noticed while giving him a massage. So I'm probably going to try long lining him this week. No photos of that, since you really need both hands to do it , but I think it'll be really beneficial. 🙌
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Sounds amazing can't wait to hear more!

Trivia Team |
Last week when I let Cliff out on the lunge, he whirled around and jumped up the bank. Did the same thing today a couple of times. He hasn't really done it since his injections, and he used to really love doing it, so I'm taking it as a sign that he's really really feeling better. Also moved on to doing five poles in a row. He was perfect over them on Saturday, and fine today for the first few times, and then started getting tired and rushing through them again, so robaxin tonight and pessoa tomorrow to help build his strength. I tried to avoid them because of his poll, but I think right now his back needs to be the priority and we'll just keep massaging and maintaining his poll until he's strong enough to really leave the pessoa system.
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