
He got his first farrier trim about a week ago! :) He was so good! On the first foot he did spook sideways twice (both very mild) but then after that he was perfect for the rest of the trim. Very proud of the little fella :) He also got his first vaccine maybe 2 weeks ago? He was very good for that too. Hes going to get his booster in about a week and a half. Ive been working on introducing him and Maple to each other and so far very good, they like each other a lot! Both are very sweet to each other. He LOVES the round pen lol because its super soft sand and he doesnt have that in his house so he took a nap and rolled a bunch, so cute!
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Im being paid to train Cappuccinos brother :) Ive only worked with him twice, but so far I can pat him, lead him with rope around neck, and I've desensitized him to halter and put it on him, but havent actually got it on Also I've popped a fly mask on him. Hes a lot less shy than Cappucinno was, but since he was abused before they got him, he shuts down very easily. Very sweet guy though! Hes going to get gelded soon
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Lucky Ranch said: He got his first farrier trim about a week ago! :) He was so good! On the first foot he did spook sideways twice (both very mild) but then after that he was perfect for the rest of the trim. Very proud of the little fella :) He also got his first vaccine maybe 2 weeks ago? He was very good for that too. Hes going to get his booster in about a week and a half. Ive been working on introducing him and Maple to each other and so far very good, they like each other a lot! Both are very sweet to each other. He LOVES the round pen lol because its super soft sand and he doesnt have that in his house so he took a nap and rolled a bunch, so cute!
He's so cute 😍
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Got a halter on Walter yesterday!
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Me and Walter went for his second little 'walk' today. Just a few steps outside of his house because he is lacking a lot of confidence outside his house and will shutdown and/or freak out. But he was a lot more calmer this time than his last time and the more positive experiences the better! He is quite easy to halter now. Working on touching all 4 of his legs. And also just hung out and spent some time with him :) Hes a lot less headshy now and is coming towards me instead of sideways like he used to. Hes also accepting food from my hand as a reward very happily (before id have to sort of shove it in his mouth like TAKE YOUR REWARD SIR 😂)
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cappuccino being a girlboss . walter update hes slaying he only likes one specific type of halter tho 😭will refuse to be caught if you use anything else, but hes an angel if you have the right one been practicing handling his legs too :)
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