Forget about them not fighting.It was the same as yesterday but ended like how it started before.Tom came and started sniffing Desmund and Desmund kicked him.

That was likely Desmund saying "hey you're in my space I don't like that." Kind of thing... and also them still trying to figure out who is higher and who is lower. You have to let them work it out on their own, yes they might get banged up but that's gonna keep happening if they keep being separated by a fence and aren't able to work it out on their own and don't try and step between and stop it they need to work it out for themselves without any human intervention. Edited at January 10, 2018 08:24 AM by MarbleFox Manor

That's just normal horse behavior. I have 5, 3 geldings and 2 yearling stallions, and nipping, chasing, biting, kicking, squealing, nuzzling, scratching each other, and all the other wonderful things horses do are just the way they communicate. Mine have been together for a year now (since we got my newest addition, 18.3 Dutch Warmblood gelding), and they still have their spats when one of the yearlings gets to full of himself or my little Paso Fino doesn't like how my Thoroughbred looked at him. Horses do this all day, every day. If you watch a wild herd, it's even more pronounced.
Watch a pair of wild stallions fighting. As long as your horses aren't doing that, you're basically in the realm of "they will work it out". Remove the shoes and make sure they are in a large enough space. It sounds as if it's already been worked out between these two boys. It's completely normal for spats to still break out, especially when one is a pushy little stallion.

Yup I agree with Bristol and Marble,This stuff happens and they'll get it sorted. :D
They arent being separated by a fence.They are in two fields and the gate is open 24/7 unless I shut it my self to get Desmund out the field without me getting hurt.I do get what you mean just trying to clear it up.Also Tom,the stallion,was I a fight a few months gao with another stallion.Tom gallops at the fence towards the other fence yet there is electric fence then another bit of electric fence then a path and two lots of electric fence after that.Tom hasnt really settled after that. Edited at January 10, 2018 12:06 PM by Flaming Range

You just gotta give it time, dont intervene and try and get in the middle of it and let them sort it out. Things like this take time its not gonna be an overnight thing... They'll get used to eachother but neither you nor toms owner should expect that... I would suggest maybe a change of venue to where they arent surrounded by other horses especially mares and let them sort things out cause if theyre by a mare this could be stud behavior coming from the both of them in the presence of a mare.
Tom stands in his field alone until I arrive to groom and feed Desmund.It is a private property and I am friends with the land owner (Toms owner). The stallion isnt too close but also isnt too far.There is just them three on the property but there is a mare and a gelding next door long with another lot of stallions and mares.I cant control how other people graze their horses but I can control Demsunds.
Desmund was well behaved.Tom was running up and down the fence at a stallion from another property.

Sounds good :)
I actually learnt this morning that stallions practice fighting strategys on their friends!Maybe that's what's going on with these two?Its just wild behaviour I found out :D
Oh it could be you know.Tom has been trying to fight other stallions since that fight so it could that.