
Context *My Arabian gets away with a lot of shit*
"I didn't ask her to shake hands, I asked her to pick up her feet!" "If I'd known you'd be THAT nervous, I'd have had a sack of rice ride her instead"
"Don't make me get the lunging whip again" *I get whacked on the head if I let my mare off the hook with something XD*

notable sayings by my old and new trainers. "That line was as straight as James Charles" "ITS A CIRCLE NOT A POTATO" "when in doubt, more leg." *i miss a stride to a jump* "HOLD ON OR DIE"

I am a Barrel racer and when I was younger I was afraid of hitting the barrels my trainer told me "your knees look fine, do you know why? BECAUSE YOU NEVER RUN AT THE BARREL FAST ENOUGH!!! you are no barrel racer without ugly knees
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I have some good ones: "You're riding like it's the Kentucky derby-" "The jump isn't 6ft. Why are you two-pointing like it is?" "You look like a poles kid." "Squeeze the ponies guts out! LEGGGG" "Now pet her because she should have bucked you off"

BlackForestStables said: I have some good ones: "You're riding like it's the Kentucky derby-" "The jump isn't 6ft. Why are you two-pointing like it is?" "You look like a poles kid." "Squeeze the ponies guts out! LEGGGG" "Now pet her because she should have bucked you off"
I likey the last one xD
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"You are not fly fishing! Keep your bloody hands still!"

"Kick him like he's your brother and he just stole your coffee that you paid seven dollars for"
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~English Style Riding~ "Stop Admiring the pony's neck, I know he looks handsome but the jump is more important right now" "Look at the sand, you meet the sand! Eyes up!" "want to jump this?" Child says no "why not? A Jack Russell could jump it!" "Heads up, eyes looking ahead, heels down, toes in AAANNND walk on! [then to me but loud enough for people to hear she says] it's like I'm teaching in the military but like all the newbies" "push like your on a swing, your not a statue" "can you do a handstand and walk on your hands?, no? Then stop leaning on your hands because they can't hold you up" "are you pushing a trolley or riding a horse? Thumbs up!"

Notable things my Army-qualified riding instructor said to me: "Well that was shit, wasn't it?" "BE BETTER" "Sit up" "What the FUCK is wrong with you" "Never ride this horse again" "Ok, that was decent" "Nope" "WRONG LEG" Me: "I'm kinda scared," Her: "I'm putting the jump up" "If you fall, that's your fault" *Head in hands* Her: "HOW OLD ARE YOU?" Me: "I'm 16..." Her: "That didn't require an answer!" *Growling* *Walks away* "Ooh, that was nice!" "You're done" *Clap* "You're done" *Clap*
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Trivia Team |
Belle said: Notable things my Army-qualified riding instructor said to me: "Well that was shit, wasn't it?" "BE BETTER" "Sit up" "What the FUCK is wrong with you" "Never ride this horse again" "Ok, that was decent" "Nope" "WRONG LEG" Me: "I'm kinda scared," Her: "I'm putting the jump up" "If you fall, that's your fault" *Head in hands* Her: "HOW OLD ARE YOU?" Me: "I'm 16..." Her: "That didn't require an answer!" *Growling* *Walks away* "Ooh, that was nice!" "You're done" *Clap* "You're done" *Clap*
Okay I LOVE your trainer
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