
8/10 Donkey ( real name is Denis)
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8/10 Haha XD Hells Bells (My cat, Ellie)

8/10! That's cute aha We've got a few. Butt's (Buttons) Lunatick (Luna) Moobs (Lady) And Dinosaur (Archie)
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10/10. Butts?! Lmao. For my black kitten Indi: Bindica/Indi Bo Benny or "pain in my ass"

7/10 Nutter Butt (Cat named Butternut, like the squash)
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Awww, 10! Shmiton Nitten Finn - A - Gon Finnie Finnegan Cat (My cat, Finnegan) Edited at March 7, 2023 08:23 AM by Wild Winnie Equine
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8/10 Bert, Billy, Bertie-moo, Dopey, Goose, Goosey, Muppet, Buddy, Bud, Little Man all nicknames for my goat called Bertie

10 lol - Bayree or Basil are what I call my pygmy goat Bailey Edited at March 7, 2023 08:39 AM by Rosewater Eventing
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9 - Donald Wonald (Real name is Donald Duck <3)
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9 . Felicia, Dopey Deer [Me and my sister taught her to jump over the broom between two milk crates and so now she jumps really high things and it reminded me of a deer][She is a dog], Weish Weish, Keishy Weishy. Her real name is Keisha (previous owners called her snowy but we changed it)
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