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What type of new item would you like added to the game? Poll Question: What type of new item would you like added to the game?Total Votes: 282
Breeding Items (Describe) : | 209 | 74% | | Showing Items (Describe) : | 17 | 6% | | Misc Items (Describe) : | 8 | 3% | | For Fun Items (Describe) : | 18 | 6% | | Other (Describe) : | 11 | 4% | | We have enough items. : | 19 | 7% | | You have cast your vote.
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A breeding item to do with colour genetics could be really cool, like to guarantee a dominant gene. Lp and PATN-2 for KNN breeders would save from unexpected SHs


This might actually encourage more people to start breeding KNN Sashimi Stables said: A breeding item to do with colour genetics could be really cool, like to guarantee a dominant gene. Lp and PATN-2 for KNN breeders would save from unexpected SHs

I also like this idea. The Old Gods said: SD capture items.

I mean, breeding items are definitely what I would use most but I'm not sure what that would be. Perhaps being able to combine two glasses into one item? So we have glass (boosts one trait) for 100k, chalice (boosts two traits) for 215k, and a medalion (boosts three traits) for 330k. . OR perhaps we could add to the Sven. Aka smash together a glass and a Sven to have an extra boosted trait. Glass (100k) + Sven (1mil) + 50k fee = charged Sven. Maybe this would make it so all traits are +2 but the type of glass makes that certain trait +3 Edited at September 24, 2024 01:03 PM by Sagebrush
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Both of these would be amazing! If we get a guaranteed dominant gene item(or increased chance item) could we also have a recessive gene item? It could be useful for breeding out roan, sabino, or other unwanted genes. And a SD capture would be great, as I have a lot of SD programs going on, and sometimes I get a D or J AA instead the XC that I need. Sashimi Stables said: A breeding item to do with colour genetics could be really cool, like to guarantee a dominant gene. Lp and PATN-2 for KNN breeders would save from unexpected SHs
The Old Gods said: SD capture items.
Edited at September 24, 2024 01:05 PM by KPH Equestrian
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KPH Equestrian said: Both of these would be amazing! If we get a guaranteed dominant gene item(or increased chance item) could we also have a recessive gene item? It could be useful for breeding out roan, sabino, or other unwanted genes. And a SD capture would be great, as I have a lot of SD programs going on, and sometimes I get a D or J AA instead the XC that I need. Sashimi Stables said: A breeding item to do with colour genetics could be really cool, like to guarantee a dominant gene. Lp and PATN-2 for KNN breeders would save from unexpected SHs
The Old Gods said: SD capture items.
I would LOVE to be able to knock the Sabinos and EE out of my lines. I want chestnuts on the WBLB 😭
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KPH Equestrian said: Both of these would be amazing! If we get a guaranteed dominant gene item(or increased chance item) could we also have a recessive gene item? It could be useful for breeding out roan, sabino, or other unwanted genes. And a SD capture would be great, as I have a lot of SD programs going on, and sometimes I get a D or J AA instead the XC that I need. Sashimi Stables said: A breeding item to do with colour genetics could be really cool, like to guarantee a dominant gene. Lp and PATN-2 for KNN breeders would save from unexpected SHs
The Old Gods said: SD capture items.
Totally agree with these

I LOVE the idea of mashing breeding items together to boost certain stats- it could tie in really nicely to the crafting improvements as well. I'd also be up for an item that boosted more specific stats when capturing- like SD as others have said but also for bravery-specific captures. Truthfully though I'll get excited about pretty much anything that gets added
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