
So this is not my first attempt at a book but I always seem to forget what and where my written books are or I get bored with them. Hopefully I can stick with this one for more than two chapters! Any and every comment on my writing and what I could fix/change is appreciated, but please PM them to me! Enjoy this hecticness!

Sophia walked down the hall at Gateview High School, eyeing the numbers on each of the lockers. Finally, she spotted number 146. She pulled her backpack off of her shoulders and placed it on the ground, pulling her folders out and placing them in the red painted locker. English, Social Science, History, Geometry, Physical Education, and Spanish. Sophia groaned quietly and looked down the crowded halls. She lifted her black backpack that now only held her Entrepreneurship book and started down the hall toward her first period class. A tall guy bumped her from the side, making her stumble into someone else. "Watch it, girl" the boy she ran into growled, pushing on into the crowd again. Sophia bit her tongue to keep from making a smart comment and continued on until she found the class labeled "First period-Entrepreneurship". She opened the door and sat down in the back of the class. The teacher- Mr. Duncan- cleared his throat when the all of the class had arrived and the bell rang. "Welcome to first period Entrepreneurship" he said. Sophia shrunk in her chair as she listened to his deep raspy voice. "I'm going to guess that y'all are all 15-16 year olds since yall are in 10th grade, correct?" He asked. "What does that have to do with Entrepreneurship?" The boy asked. Sophia's eyes made a path from his hand, to his elbow, to his shoulder then up his neck. She hoped her gasp wasn't too loud when she noticed it was the kid she ran into earlier. +great. Now not only did I run into him in the first day, but I also have to start every day with his damn voice+ she rolled her eyes as the teacher straightened up. "If you would answer my question then let me proceed, you would know what I am getting to" the boy groaned and shrunk a bit in his chair in pure annoyance. The teacher turned his back to the class to shuffle some papers then looked back at the class again. "I know most of y'all aren't thinking of starting a business, but I hope this course opens your eyes to what could be in store for you and, for those actually interested in the class, this could help you understand and start your first business when you exit college" Edited at June 25, 2024 11:15 PM by Dandelion Farms

Sophia pushed her way through the door of the classroom with the rest of the class at the sound of the bell. She boy from earlier huffed from behind her. "Hurry up Miss Priss" he said, giving the kid beside her a little shove into her before laughing and walking past the them. She grit her teeth and hurried through the crowded halls to her locker, putting in the combination and opening the door. She put her Entrepreneurship book in and pulled out a brown book labeled "History". She rolled her emerald eyes and flicked a strand of her copper colored hair over her shoulder. Sophia shut the door locker, pulling her backpack over her shoulder and forcing her way through the teens to her next class. This class seemed more happy to see her, her eyes widening when she saw a friend from her previous school. "Jana!" She eeked out, putting her book and backpack down in the desk beside the petite blonde girl. "Heya, Sophia!" Jana shot up, throwing her arms around Sophia. "I didn't know you were coming here! Oh I'm so glad I have you! I was starting to think I was all by myself here." She sat down in her desk, fumbling with her phone. She turned it off and turned to Sophia who was moving her bag and sitting lightly in the chair. "Are you still hanging out with Carter or are y'all over?" She asked, her head tilted slightly. "Oh we've been over for a while." Jana shrugged "He just didn't feel right, you know?" +no... I don't know+ "yeah..." Sophia averted her eyes to scan the class, letting out a breath when the bully didn't appear to be in this class. +Maybe History will be a peaceful subject for me+ Jana and Sophia spoke through most of class, ignoring much of what the teacher was saying. The two caught up on summer break and what they were hoping it would look like. Sophia eventually shrunk in her seat. "I don't know, Jana. I was really hoping I could stay at Calbury but apparently my parents thought I was too smart for that school" Jana stifled her giggle "that's because you are! I guess I am too, cause my parents said the exact same thing. Actually, their words were 'Gateview is better than Calbury and can get you into better colleges, grant better scholarships, and have better paths laid out than Calbury'." She shrugged "whatever that means" Sophia smiled a little just as the bell rang. "Time for English. See you at lunch maybe?" Jana smiled and nodded. The two left, splitting ways at the door. Sophia stopped at her locker again since it was close to her first three classes. Edited at July 6, 2024 11:39 PM by Dandelion Farms

Sophia managed to listen to her teachers through the next two classes. She spotted Jana in the cafeteria- well, Jana spotted her. Jana rushed from her table, grabbing Sophia by the arm and practically dragging her to her seat. Jana fumbled with her blonde hair, her fingers making little braids. "Okay. What should we do? I feel like we have caught up on summer shenanigans already." Jana glanced around the room before spinning toward Sophia. "I know! We should play Hot or Not! Remember that game?" Sophia tried not to giggle, but the sweet sound escaped her mouth anyway. "I definitely remember that game. Thanks to me you and Carter started. Thanks to him it all ended but that is beside the point" the two girls rolled their eyes. "he was so stupid too. Definitely a waste of time" Jana looked at some of the boys, her eyes stopping on a tall brunette. "That's Jerrod Stinger. He's one of the juniors that holds our basketball team up. Hot or not?" She turned back to Sophia, her blonde curls flipping over her shoulder. Sophia found Jerrod then shook her head "Not. No offense to him, he's just not my type." Jana nodded at her response then eyed the room again. "Okay... so what about Hank Rutledge? Quarterback on the football team?" "Not" Jana raised her eyebrows at her answer. "Wow okay then." Sophia grinned then looked around the lunchroom. She took a bite of her sandwich then glanced up, locking eyes with an all too familiar pair of blue eyes. She immediately forced her eyes off of the hardened gaze that met her own. "Who's next?" Sophia asked, taking another bite. "You aren't into football guys or basketball guys or nerds or anyone that has any type of statis in the school. Who ARE you into?" Jana looked at Sophia. "Nathan Mustler, captain of the baseball team and pitcher. He hits home runs almost every time he is at bat and is only a sophomore! He is definitely the hottest guy here, but he has a bit of an attitude" Sophia waited a second "who is Nathan? He doesn't sound all to bad" Jana gave an evil grin "girl. That's him right there" she pointed to the one person Sophia wished she had never met. "you're kidding" Sophia growled. "A kid ran me this morning and I accidentally bumped into him. He got mad and then I ended up having first period with him. When we were leaving he got all snarky and pushed kids- me included- out of the way so he could leave first." Jana grinned. "You must be special then" "What?" "cant tel, you. Bell. Next class. Bye bye!" Jana escaped Sophia's weighted stare. "See you at practice!" Sophia was left sitting at the table for a few moments before she picked herself up and headed to her locker, shoving every book into her backpack and trudging to her next class.

Sophia suffered through her classes, her mind reeling. Why would a kid as popular as Nathan Mustler be watching and purposefully bullying her? And why would he bully anyone period? No one was hurting him. He was just being pure hateful. Sophia dropped her backpack on the floor in the softball locker room and tossed her practice jersey to the side. The green fabric fell to the ground and she rolled her emerald eyes, bending down to pick it up. "Did something happen between lunch and now?" Jana let her backpack fall from her shoulders onto a bench and began removing her own jersey. "yeah, I guess so?" Sophia cracked a weak grin and tugged her skinny jeans down her legs. She let them fall to the floor before pulling on her practice pants. She put on her shirt and socks and reapplied deodorant. Jana pulled her bleached hair into a ponytail, some of the pink tendrils freeing themselves from the hair and and framing her face. Sophia also pulled her hair back into a ponytail. The two girls wordlessly picked up their softball bags and walked out to the field. Some of the other girls were already there and warming up, so Sophia and Jana joined it as they waited for the rest of the team and the coach. Practice ran for about an hour, warming the team up to each other and explaining how the season would go. They did some laps around the field and some throwing back and forth before it was time to dismiss. Sophia didn't bother to change, knowing it would take too long. She was walking to the parking lot when she saw a glimpse of the baseball team in a separate field. She hadn't even noticed that they had been wandering around. She caught a pair of icy blue eyes staring back at her so she spun on her heel and walked faster to the cars. +I cant deal with him right now. I already have enough on my mind+ Sophia got in her Mothera car without a word. "Hello, hun! How was your first day at school? Did you find your classes okay? Did you know anyone from- Sophia..? Are y oh alright?" Mother turned and placed a hand on her shoulder, her brown eyes glancing over to Sophia occasionally. "What happened, Sweetheart? Do you want to talk about it?" Sophia shook her head and shifted in her seat. "Not right now" she said. She was overjoyed that the drive home was shorted than at Calbury. She grabbed her bags and sped up the front steps, quickly jamming her key into the hole then running upstairs. She dropped her bags and closed her door before pulling out a book and cuddling up in her bed- sweaty practice jersey and everything. Edited at July 13, 2024 11:19 PM by Dandelion Farms

It had been three weeks and everything was exactly the same. Sophia would get to school and start the day off with Nathan annoying her, next class to talk with Jana, rest of the classes and lunch to talk about anything that came up, then go to softball practice and pass the baseball field on her way to the parking lot. Sophia stared out at the field. "Do I have to dress fancy? I really don't want to go. It's just a sorry excuse to hook kids up and spend money on cheap posters and dresses. Its not worth the trouble. Plus I don't have anyone to go with." She tugged at her shoe strings to make them tighter. The stands were starting to fill up and she could tell it was going to be a competitive opposing team. She stood and Jana stood as well. "Well you have me to go with, for one, and yes you will have to dress at least somewhat fancy. Not a floorlenght gown or anything but I would personally kill you if you showed up in a tee shirt and jeans" the two girls shared a laugh then walked to the dug out. Jana looked up "oh no..." Sophia's head shot up toward the stands. The entire baseball team was gathering around the stands and the fence. Sophia spotted the brown headed bully from first period and quickly looked away. "I'm going to barf" Sophia muttered and Jana grabbed her shoulders. "You will not. You will be a big girl and play better than you ever had before, got it?" Sophia nodded and the team ran out onto the field. Sophia stood at first base, ready for the runner. She stood a few feet away until the pitcher threw the ball. The batter hit the ball to second and the second baseman caught it on a bounce, throwing it to Sophia before the batter could make it to base. The umpire called out and the girl went back to her team's dug out. After a few more plays, the teams swapped and Sophia was first to bat. She could feel eyes on her but she tried her best to ignore them. She struck out on the first pitch, but she made clear contact on the second and sent the ball way into center field. Sophia ran to first then rounded towards second. She only got half way before she had to turn and run back to first. She dove and ended up being safe. All in all, her team scored 9 points and the opposing team scored 5. Sophia knew Nathan had been studying her every move because his eyes hadn't left her body once she hit home base. After the game and the small celebration, she was walking back to her car when Jana ran up to her. "He stared at you the ENTIRE time. He's definitely into you. And I get it, he's a brat to you, but it isn't just you. He acts like that to everyone. Now not everyone gets stared at by the most popular kid in the school." She wiggled her eyebrows, making Sophia giggle. "Just put your bags in and shut up" Edited at July 16, 2024 11:51 PM by Dandelion Farms