Here at SSS Adopts I will post some premade horse adopts that will be done using lines that were custom made for me by a friend. Credits will be on the images no ifs ands or buts. At this time there will be NO customs. Prices will be set at 10k ebs. If you want one you must fill out the following form and send payment which upon my recieving confirmation of payment I will send the link to the horse and you can download it and save it. Form: (for EACH adopt desired can be in one post just please make it readable) Stablename/Number Premade # Fee Sent? Thank you for choosing Silver Sugar Stables! Edited at May 27, 2024 10:59 AM by Silver Sugar Stables
Edited at May 21, 2024 05:22 PM by Silver Sugar Stables

Serenity Stables/374537 Premade #: #1 Fee Sent?: Sending now!
Serenity Stables said: Serenity Stables/374537 Premade #: #1 Fee Sent?: Sending now!
Sent the link :)

Cute pony lines! When would you maybe offer custom ones?

Magic Horses - 372392 Premade 4 Yep!