--> Base was commissioned and purchased from PeachiGhost on DA, I own the rights to use it! --> Adopts prices vary from batch to batch --> Fcfs, Batches will come out depending on availability and interest --> Customs are available depending on the batch ❤️ --> Weimaraners tend to be 5k, Borzois tend to be 6k and Tibetan Mastiffs tend to be 8k - - New! Batch 2 - Tibetan Mastiffs Each adopt for this batch is 8k, or 2 for 12k! The last 2 (customs) are 12k each! 1. Red High White (Unclaimed) 2. Liver Irish White (Unclaimed) 3. Silver (Agouti) Tanpoint (CLAIMED - Mabilis Eventing ) 4. Cream Pseudo Irish White (CLAIMED - Magic Horses) 5. Solid Black (CLAIMED - Hightide Stables) 6. Recessive Red Piebald (CLAIMED - Mabilis Eventing) 7. Shaded Sable (CLAIMED - Hightide Stables) 8. Custom (CLAIMED - Magic Horses) 9. Custom (Unclaimed) - - Previous Batches - Awaiting payments BATCH 1 - Borzois - FULLY CLOSED  1. Greyed Liver (CLAIMED - Magic Horses) 2. Cream/Clear Sable (CLAIMED - Hot Heifer Ranch) 3. Masked Saddled Sable with Min. White (CLAIMED - Magic Horses) 4. Black w Pseudo Irish White (CLAIMED - Cloudtail) 5. Liver Tanpoint (CLAIMED - Magic Horses) 6. Red Harlequin Merle (CLAIMED- Greenheart Stables) Edited at March 8, 2024 07:34 PM by Ludicrous Hills

Yep! Send over the coins and I'll dm you his/her separated image!

Can I claim #1, 3 and 5? How much would that be in total?

Edited at March 6, 2024 02:38 PM by Cloudtail
Magic Horses said: Can I claim #1, 3 and 5? How much would that be in total?
It would be 16k for the three of them :>
Cloudtail said: Can I claim number 4.
Yep! Send over the coins (6k) and I'll dm you the separated image!

Hot Heifer Ranch said: Can I claim #2 please?
Absolutely, just send over the 6k when you're ready!!
All borzois are marked sold, individual artwork will be sent over once payment has been made! - A new batch is out! Theyre 8k each or 2 for 12k this round, enjoy!

Can I get #4 and #8 from the new batch? And sending ebs for the other 3 adopts now!