
Welcome to Magic's Horse Rescue! ~ You step into the old, empty hall. An elderly man is talking to someone and the sound of your footsteps makes him turn around. "Oh, hello there! You've come a bit early but nevermind. This ol' place needs all the help it can get." He seems nice and he holds put his hand for you to shake. "The name's Ben. Been workin' around here for ages." You shake his hand and ask what exactly he needed help with. "I want you to go out and catch a couple of horses. There's a herd out here, majestic creatures they are but there's hunters and many other people who also want these horses so it's up to is to save them." You nod, it seemed like a good plan. "Well now, let's get you some equipment, shall we?" Ben leads you off into a hallway which leads into another room with tables loaded with equipment. ~ +5k for the base horse Equipment - Rope: you need this to catch a horse - 1k ~ Bait - Hay: basic bait - 1k Berries: attracts patterned horses - 2k Cloverleaf: attracts darker colored horses - 2k Heather: attracts chimera horses - 5k Daisies: attracts lighter coloured horses - 2k ~ Items: Feather: increased chance of a foal - 1k Dandelions: increased chance of a mare/filly - 1k Moss: increased chance of a stallion/colt - 1k ~ Form: Stable name/number: Items: Bait: Total (and has it been sent): Other: ~ Note: items will be put on a random wheel so there is a 50% chance of them actually working. If they don't, it will stack up for next time if you decide to come again :) - Lineart - Whitelightning on DA Edited at May 20, 2024 04:16 PM by Magic Horses

Open Slots: 1- Panther PONs - In Progress 2- Silver Sugar Stables - Completed 3- Windsor Stables - Completed ~ Reservation list: 1- 2- 3- 4- Edited at May 28, 2024 06:59 AM by Magic Horses

Form: Stable name/number: Panther PONs - 371165 Items: Feather + Dandelion Bait: Berries Total (and has it been sent): 10k (Sending Now) Other: This is cute ^^

Panther PONs said: Form: Stable name/number: Panther PONs - 371165 Items: Feather + Dandelion Bait: Berries Total (and has it been sent): 10k (Sending Now) Other: This is cute ^^
That was fast! Will start that now! - Panther PONs You set off into the fields in search of the herd with a determined look in your eyes. You follow the rough track that leads through the meadows when it suddenly splits into three. A - path one leads to the river B - path two leads to the corn field C - path three leads into some tall grass Edited at May 21, 2024 01:08 PM by Magic Horses
Stable name/number: Silver Sugar Stables - 375134 Items: Dandelions (1k) Bait: Berries (2k), Daisies (2k) Total (and has it been sent): 11k I believe (Once price confirmed ebs will be sent :] ) Other: +5k for the base horse Rope: you need this to catch a horse - 1k ~

Silver Sugar Stables said: Stable name/number: Silver Sugar Stables - 375134 Items: Dandelions (1k) Bait: Berries (2k), Daisies (2k) Total (and has it been sent): 11k I believe (Once price confirmed ebs will be sent :] ) Other: +5k for the base horse Rope: you need this to catch a horse - 1k ~
Accepted! And yes, that's the correct price! Edited at May 21, 2024 03:23 PM by Magic Horses

Stable name/number: Winsor Stables +5k for the base horse Rope: you need this to catch a horse - 1k Berries- 2 Total- 8k Will send ebs when order is confirmed Edited at May 21, 2024 01:52 PM by Windsor Stables

Windsor Stables said: Stable name/number: Winsor Stables +5k for the base horse Rope: you need this to catch a horse - 1k Berries- 2 Total- 8k Will send ebs when order is confirmed
Also accepted! I'll get your interactive ready Edited at May 21, 2024 03:22 PM by Magic Horses

Silver Sugar Stables Once you pack up, you head out. You spot some of the staff talking near the empty stables and a muddy path alongside them. A - talk to the staff and find out more B - check the middy path C - ask for the last place the herd was seen

Windsor Stables You are walking through the fields, making sure to keep an eye out for any horses. You come across some broken branches from bushes near the edge of the woods. A - check out the bushes B - turn around C - set up some bait and see see what happens