Thanks so much! I'll put it on when I get home. On my phone

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I'm very happy to say that I now have a premade shop, and it's 100% free! Please check it out here! Thanks!
Hi If possible could i get cuts for a palette? if you are unfamiliar with palette cuts i need a 2000 x 1200 backround piece and 858 x 150 header piece on the header piece could i please have The Golden Horse? also for the idea's i'd love a tobiano possibly black under a waterfall with a long black mane please. Thanks for having a free shop your art is pretty good!

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The Golden Horse said: Hi If possible could i get cuts for a palette? if you are unfamiliar with palette cuts i need a 2000 x 1200 backround piece and 858 x 150 header piece on the header piece could i please have The Golden Horse? also for the idea's i'd love a tobiano possibly black under a waterfall with a long black mane please. Thanks for having a free shop your art is pretty good!
Sure! I'll get started right away!

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Here is your full image Golden Horse! I tried something new for the eye :3 If you need/want anything changed, please let me know! Cuts are being sent
Heyo! This is very generous of you, giving away free art! Could I please have some magestic chonk art for this lovely lady (could you include her birdcatcher spots please) You can do whatever you like with it, just make it majestic and chonky, kind of goddess-like, if you will! Thank you in advance <3
Hay I was wondering if you could work for magic for this girl. You do amazing work!

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Paradise Dressage said: Heyo! This is very generous of you, giving away free art! Could I please have some magestic chonk art for this lovely lady (could you include her birdcatcher spots please) You can do whatever you like with it, just make it majestic and chonky, kind of goddess-like, if you will! Thank you in advance <3
HLS Mustang Ranch said: Hay I was wondering if you could work for magic for this girl. You do amazing work!
Sure! I'll get started once I finish this contest piece :P

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Contest piece for 296226's art contest. It's very large so click here. I'm very happy with how this turned out! It took forever to try to find the right background. I tried it with bat wings, but it wasn't very good :')

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Here is your full image, I'll send your cuts tomorrow!