Flaxen | September 26, 2018 08:32 AM | |
I've recently noticed that the flaxen gene isn't included in the gene test results. If I remember correctly, flaxen appears recessively (ff). I think I've even rerolled a chestnut before and had flaxen either appear or disappear from its coat. Is there a reason flaxen doesn't appear to be determined by gene presence in game like sooty, silver, and pangere are?
Flaxen | September 26, 2018 10:06 AM | |
Flaxen is genetic but not yet mapped. Sooty and Pangere were added to the genetic test as just a yes or no because some people were confused on if the horse actually had either. Where flaxen is actually stated in the horse's color. Sooty and pangere are just phenotype.