Looking for a name for this girl, my first EEE!
Anything Grimdark, mystical, arrogant sounding would rock.
Vamana, meaning one who deserves praise
Goliath's Harp, Angelic Storm, Mystical Norami, Gozarki random names.. Change the name partners if you think so and so would sound better.
Gotham Houdini / Ms. Houdini LOL Nimue - a sorceress Batibat - a vengeful demon Hecate - goddess of the underworld, demons, graves, and witchcraft Lezabel - uhh, this queen was shredded by hounds xD Lamia - means vampire Lilith - means "of the night" Pandora Qarinah - demon/evil spirit Lilitu - a demon with goat hooves, goat horns, a serpentine tail, and no eyes Jezebeth - demon of the falsehoods Kasdeya - demon who specializes in poisons Prosperine - princess of hell