
Idle Lane Farms said: Tranquility said: Please, talk to Lostcause!! All her palettes are absolutely gorgeous!! Love her layout designs!
I second this, Lost creates the greatest palletes I have seen *drools*
Oh I definitely agree! She did the one on my page 😍
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I love the palette Tasi made for my stable (Er, well it was an auction piece, but it obviously had my name on it XD). It's not too bright, and I really love the parchmenty look it has.
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I do love my pallette from Cali! Especially the way the top changes between Horse Eden Eventing and my stable name if I hover my cursor over it. California Valley said: Shard currently has one of my favorite palettes I've made. I'll link it below. I can also share some screenshots of palettes others have made me with cool features :) EDIT: Here's another one I made with some other things that Shard's doesn't include

I really like my palette! It's a mix between the Triggered Hipster and myself. Lost coded my cursor though.

I made my own palette time ago (more than 2 years ago). However, I am studying in university to become an UX/UI designer. I love having readability in mind, as well as interaction and user experience. If I can help in any way, I would be more than happy :D What comes to my mind so far. I think a lot of us tend to use our smartphones or tablets to browse through HEE. It would be cool to have a web responsive version. Though I don't know how far the update can go o.o Edited at June 19, 2022 01:05 AM by Shivering Sea
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Toasty and Dark (The Unknown) are very talented palette makers. I'll have to find an example of Dark's work. Although they don't play as much anymore, it may be worth a shot reaching out or talking to them :) Edit: There's an example on this page, but it's quite old. I remeber their abilities including custom cursors, color-changing elements, fade-in animations, and a lot more cool stuff. But I like how this palette's colors change when you hover over certain elements. Another edit: I found a great example here! Edited at June 19, 2022 06:41 AM by Floresta
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I can't believe nobody's mentioned Kiwi yet! They've made every single one of my palettes so far, with more on the way 🤩
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Chase's Place said: I can't believe nobody's mentioned Kiwi yet! They've made every single one of my palettes so far, with more on the way 🤩
Thanks! <3 I quite enjoy the layout of Brook's palettes, they're like. Not the hardest thing to code at all but they all look so aesthetically pleasing.
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i absolutely love the pallete that Cali has made me! California Valley said: Shard currently has one of my favorite palettes I've made. I'll link it below. I can also share some screenshots of palettes others have made me with cool features :) EDIT: Here's another one I made with some other things that Shard's doesn't include

Aww, thank you Kiwi, I ppreciate the complement! I'm still working on learning the fancy stuffs ^w^ I quite enjoy the layout of Brook's palettes, they're like. Not the hardest thing to code at all but they all look so aesthetically pleasing.