
This is a 1x1 RP, please do not post unless your name is in the title. Feel free to read. Thanks! - Plot: Werewolf x Vampire
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Name: Tyler Aaron Carter - Age: 20 (werewolf 143) - Gender: Male - Height: 6'3 - Weight: 210 lbs - Species: Werewolf - Clothes: Tyler is usually wearing a tight fitting black T-Shirt, black bootcut jeans, and a leather jacket. He will also wear black cargo boots that reach past his ankles - Eye Color: Tyler's eyes are a very, very dark blue that always look black, unless you are standing In just the right light. They are cold and hard as steel... unless you are a close friend. - Special Characteristics: Tyler has a very prominent scar across his right cheek, then multiple scars on his back. He has a strong southern accent, tipped with a distinguishable Scottish accent - Appearance: Tyler is tall and well muscled. He has very white teeth. He has black hair that is medium length, then some black scruff on his jaw and upper lip. His fangs are sharper than normal when in human form, and his eyes look different. When in wolf form Tyler is a giant black wolf with dark eyes that glint in the moonlight. - Background: Tyler was born to a human mother and a werewolf father. This means that he looks exactly like a human when not a werewolf, but on the full moon he always changes completely into a werewolf. - Personality: Tyler is closed off. He doesn't really like to talk about anything. He has a very cold hard Gaze, and usually comes across as terrifying. He is not very social, but has a big brain and knows how to use it. - Powers: Tyler is higher ranking in the werewolves, so he has a couple different forms. He can turn into a normal wolf, a werewolf, and a dire wolf at any time at night. On the full moon he has no choice to turn into a werewolf. As soon as sun shines on him he will turn back into a human. He has a bloodlust sometimes, which means that he has the strong urge for meat or blood. Edited at May 29, 2023 08:07 AM by Wild Warmbloods
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Name: Annika May Mayotte _ Age: 17 (vampire 140) _ Gender: female _ Height: 5.7 _ Weight: 156 pounds _ Clothes: she normally wears a blue Saten dress with a black waist band but if not the dress she in black pants that looks tight a bit a black shirt with a knife belt going over her shoulders and a black mask _ Eye color: has hazel eyes but sometimes they look blue if she is wearing something blue but get her mad or sad her eyes would be red or purple but they never saw her eyes go gold _ Special characteristics: she has a tattoo on her side onnher neck that covers up a scar that her dad made when she was young she does have other scars but they are small and can't be seen much _ Appearance: she is a kinda a tall women has been seen to be in a great shape but she has her weak side her hair is black with a strip of white which is every rare for her to have it is kinda long goes past her shoulders and lays in the middle of her back but usely she has into a bun she has two sharp fangs and she not scared to use them _ Background: she doesn’t really talk about her past but she was born with both parents being vampire king and queen and her dad wanted a boy not a girl so she spend her time training herself how to fight and all _ Personally: she has a nasty habit of being rude which all people would be scared of her but once knowing her she would be nice but don't always trust her she would want every werewolf died _ Powers: she has only that she loves blood and would go after it but mostly she can run fast and climb trees
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Annika woke to the door being open by a maid who was putting down her food and she left in a rush before Annika could say something she slide out of bed and pulls on a night grown that way she doesn't have to be cold or have someone see Her. Annika looks at the food and she begins to eat it was time she got her training in by testing it out in the woods or near her favorite spot she can even hunt animals if she like as she drink down the blood and when to go get her hunting stuff on the black pants and shirt with the knife belt the hand from her shoulder and to her waist
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Tyler woke in the middle of the forest, sunlight filtering through the trees. He heard the muttered moans of other werewolves about 400 yards away, but Tyler didn't want to go anywhere near them. They were starting the war with the vampires... again. No one had won last time because each side obliviated each other. So let's do it again! Tyler got up with a slight frown, glancing around before stalking into the shadows. He walked through the forest until coming to a small cabin, entering and changing into new clothes.
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Annika finished getting dress before she tales off jumping out of the window and walking towards the gate before her dad stops her by his hand holding her by the back of her arm and he said " where do u think your going " Annika said " hunting and practicing fight you said I can do those thing " dad smiles and let's her go before saying " yeah I did say that go have fun " Annika smiles and took off running through the forest before coming to a stream and smiles she pulled out her sword and started practicing using it which she was already good at
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Tyler then strapped on his belt of daggers, his dark eyes stormy. Why today? Why did the *big war* have to start , technically... tonight? Tyler slipped his black leather jacket back on and put little bottles in the pockets, each holding a plant that did something. Including some garlic, but mostly because garlic would heal some werewolf wounds and it smelled good to him. -You... are weird. Garlic. Smelling good." Tyler thought drily, finishing loading up. He then took a bow and arrows, putting the arrows inside his jacket and slinging the bow over his shoulder. After that it was the sword sheath, which he strapped around his waist right under the belt of daggers. Then Tyler put a long celestial bronze sword in. The sword was very heavy, and for most people it would be too heavy, but Tyler was stronger than normal just as a human. Add werewolf strength and he was... through the roof. He now stalked outside and headed towards the river where he knew the vampire princess would be practicing.
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A young girl came out and said " wow my lady you fight good " Annika looks at her and smiles before saying " I am ready to take on some werewolf people " the girl laughs and said " you are brave but remember to back at him before 10 we got to do some fitting for your armor " Annika nods and said " oh I can't wait " the girl nods and leaves before Annika when back to train fight the sword she had was her grandfather it weighs her down as a child but she grew to be able to hold it mostly why she carries it on her chest then her waist Annika sighed and places her sword down before getting a drink for the water
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Tyler approached the stream, stopping when he heard voices. He wrinkled his nose at what the princess said, his eyebrows furrowing. -werewolf people? Really?- he thought, running a hand through his thick black hair. Tyler had the urge to flick his ears, but his human ears really refused to do that... so he just blew a silent breath out through his nose. Today he was just going to observe, and that night he could capture. Easy Peasy. Except for the small thing... that he never wanted to capture a bloodthirsty vampire in the first place, especially one that was enjoying getting ready to kill him. Yay. Tyler climbed up a tree, something he did a lot in human form. Wolves were terrible climbers, so he was definitely not born with this ability, but he taught himself to climb just like any other human. Tyler perched up in the tree behind some leaves, observing with his black eyes.
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Annika looks around before dropping her sword on to the rock when she walks over to the shade and looks into the tress and growls before saying " what am I think werewolves can't climb only vampires can you wants to be a wolf when you can be a vampire better " as she smirks and looks at the water before looking up at the tree and said " hmmm but seems like only one of them can with practice " as she looks around she eyes when red before sighing and grabs her sword and walks back to the woods leaving something behind
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