
You know the rules peeps! Don't post unless you are one of the names in the title, but feel free to read along if you wish! ~ Type: Alpha x Omega (Werewolves) Pairing: MxM(MalexMale)

Forgot to ask, what role do you want? Alpha or Omega?

Alright, here is my character. ~ Name: Kyle Darmon - Age: 25 - Gender: Male - Rank: Alpha - Kyle stands at around 6 feet 3 inches. He mostly wears casual attire or sometimes nicer clothing, but almost always it will be in darker shades. He has a few scars around his body that are shared between his human form and wolf form. His wolf form has dark black fur like he does and is rather large, almost 3 feet if it stands with its head straight. And as said it has a few scars around its body but none on the face, more on the torso(or his chest) than anything. - Personality: Kyle gives off very threatening vibes from his appearance plus the fact that he is alpha. To go with this, he has a very stern voice and acts stern a lot of the time. He is a great leader and is trusted by the pack to get through even the toughest of times. No one has ever gotten close enough to Kyla to know what he is like under his shell, so it is a mystery what he is actually like. He has yet to find a mate and has gone through a decent amount of females, but has still not found his. (More in RP) [If more info is needed just let me know!]
Name: Tucker Shinowa
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Rank: Omega
Personality: Submissive, secretive, kind, caring, shy. Tucker doesn't enjoy being in large gatherings and parties. He's a book lover and can often be found reading in a corner. He's very polite and loves candy. He is distrusting of strangers and isn't one to open up easily.
Are we assuming they're from different packs? Perhaps they could meet at a large gathering of all the packs or smth?

Yeah we can say they are from different packs. Perhaps they meet at a yearly meeting of the surrounding packs.
Okay! Would you like to start or shall I?

Could you start? If you don't mind that is.
The annual gathering of the packs meant that everyone from each pack was required to attend unless they were sick or of old age. This was usually the time most used to find their mate, their destined other half.
Many found excitement and joy in large gatherings, and most were mingling with stranger and introducing each other like friends. The music was cheerful and energetic, people talking at the top of their lungs. For Tucker, events like these were his worst nightmare. There were so many unfamiliar and strange scents and voices, overwhelming him. His pack entered the event space, and he remained in the back with the other omegas. When all entered and all formalities were given, Tucker made his way to the back, where he stood alone. He preferred the company of silence to the loud obnoxious voices. Looking around, he spotted an open door, leading into a hallway. Looking around, he slipped away into the hallway. After exploring a bit, he turned around. He was unfamiliar with the place and was unsure where he was. When he tried to make his way back to the ballroom, he couldn't seem to find the right door. While he preferred the silence, he also didn't want to be forgotten and left here when his pack left. He had the whole party time to find his way back, he shouldn't be too worried right?