
Sage chuckled and nodded, moving to climb out of her window and scale the roof, dropping down onto his own roof and then then shimmying into his own room, flopping on his bed and sort of working on homework for a while before his phone dinged. Oh, it's been so much fun, he texted her back, obviously joking. The homework is very interesting, he added, amused at it all. How'd it go with your brother, he asked after a moment or so, after thinking about it a moment later.
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She smiled, reading his text. I bet. My brother wasn't concerned. Entirely oblivious, in fact. When do you want me over? Or you can come here now? She sighed, waiting for a response. She quickly changed into a tank-top before reading his response.

Blue Diamond Showing said: She smiled, reading his text. I bet. My brother wasn't concerned. Entirely oblivious, in fact. When do you want me over? Or you can come here now? She sighed, waiting for a response. She quickly changed into a tank-top before reading his response.
Sorry, accidentaly posted on my side ;)

Sage chuckled softly in response to her text, tossing his homework to the side. You can come over whenever you want, he responded, before moving to just shove all his stuff off the bed and to the side, into the corner of the room in order to give them room to do...whatever they decided to do.
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She glanced at his response before silently going to his house the same way he did. She swung into his room, landing silently. She immedietly ran into his arms, kissed him, and laughed quietly. "I'm assuming your parents aren't home yet?" She said, hugging him.
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Sage grinned over at her when she hopped into his room, shaking his head. "My dad will be gone for a while," he mused. "My stepmom will be back tonight but neither of us like each other much so she'll be crabby but really not care what we do," he added with a shrug.
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She chuckled again, happy she had him to herself. She sat down on the bed and sighed. "What do you want to do? We can just sit here and be together?" She said, tired.
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Sage sort of sat up from where he was layign on his bed. "I don't care," he noted before shrugging. "That's fine with me," he chirped. patting the bed next to him. Cuddlign was perfectly fine with him.
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She climbed up next to him, wrapping her legs around one of his. She booped his nose, teasing him again. "Today was tiring. Would you agree?" She asked, tracing him again.
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Sage blinked in surprise when she tapped his nose, but gave her a grin and a nod. "Yeah," he agreed. " But I'll say it was well worth it," he added lightly. He had definitely enjoyed hismelf
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